


Mike’s Top 10 Movies of 2014 by Michael

There were so many great and wonderful movies released this year in Japan that I unfortunately did not have a chance to watch them all (most notably, 12 Years a Slave, Maleficent and Captain America: Winter Soldier).
Be that as it may, I did get to see a lot of really amazing movies and thought I would share with you the Top 10 movies I have seen this year.
Please note that not all of the movies listed were released this year.
This list is specifically for movies I have seen for the first time this year regardless of release date (so movies like One Who Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and East of Eden which I did watch again this year are excluded).
Without further ado:

10. Live. Die. Repeat: Edge of Tomorrow [All You Need Is Kill] (2014) / Drive (2011)
オール・ユー・ニード・イズ・キル / ドライヴ

All You Need Is Kill

It is very difficult trying to decide which is the better movie so I decided to call the battle for 10th place on the list a draw between both of these cinema treats. Live. Die. Repeat is an amazing Sci-Fi action adventure movie based off the Japanese light novel All You Need Is Kill by Hiroshi Sakurazaka. It tells the story of a man who has acquired the power to repeat the same day he died over and over again while fighting alien invaders. Smart, funny and exciting, the only potential issue with the film is that the climactic battle at the end feels more like a video game than a movie.

Drive is a film cut from a different kind of cloth. Although both movies share high paced action scenes, Drive is a crime thriller and homage to earlier car chase and crime thrillers films, most notably Bullitt. The hero of the movie is a stunt car driver who moonlights as a getaway driver. He is stoic, cool, and passionate about driving. He ends up getting involved in the lives of the family living next door to him which in turn embroils him in a failed heist. He spends the rest of the film trying to protect this family from the Jewish mobsters who set up the heist. Although the unnamed hero says very little in the film, Ryan Gosling does a great job conveying the emotional bond his hero has with the family he is trying to protect.

9. The Sting (1973) / スティング

The Sting

The Sting is a classic American crime caper starring the legendary Paul Newman and Robert Redford as two grifters who set out to con a mob boss out of a lot of money through gambling. Full of all sorts of plot twists and surprises, the movie is well crafted and a lot of fun to watch. The two main actors have a great rapport and make quite the duo.

8. Frozen (2014) / アナと雪の女王


Considering the popularity of this movie in Japan, I suspect many of you have already seen this instant classic. A brilliant re-interpretation of the Hans Christian Andersen story “The Snow Queen” that follows the lives of two sisters, Anna and Elsa, the snow queen. The animation and music is top notch and the story is interesting. Touching upon themes of sisterhood and true love, the movie turns the traditional prince as knight in shining armor romantic trope on its head and focuses on the themes of sisterhood and true love. A great movie that reflects the ever changing gender dynamic and ideas about romance, self-worth, and happiness.

7. X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014) / X-MEN: フューチャー&パスト
The first of the three comic book based movies to make it on the list, X-Men: Days of Future Past is a fun-filled, action-packed science fiction movie that depicts the convergence of two different X-Men series. What could have been a convoluted mess considering the large cast from both series ended up being a concise and exciting story about a mission to prevent an apocalyptic future through a unique form of time travel. All the actors give superb performances (my personal favorite is Michael Fassbender whose Magneto performance made the character one of my all time favorite comic characters). I’m very much looking forward to the next film in the series.
リストに載ることが出来たのは、3冊の漫画のうち最初の本が元になっており、2つの違うX-Menシリーズの収束を表現した、楽しさいっぱいのアクションいっぱいのSF映画「X-MEN: フューチャー&パスト」です。両方のシリーズには多くの出演者がいるので、ストーリーがめちゃくちゃになる可能性もありましたが、他に類を見ないタイムトラベルを通して、世界が滅亡する未来を阻止して終わる完結で刺激的な映画となりました。 

6. Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) / ガーディアンズ・オブ・ギャラクシー

Guardians of the Galaxy

The second Marvel movie to make it on the list and this year’s biggest and most pleasant surprise. Guardians of the Galaxy is a wonderful intergalactic space adventure movie based on a little known comic book property. When I first heard about the production of this movie I thought Marvel and it’s parent company Disney were overreaching in their quest for gold but it turned out they hit the jackpot. The story is good, the visuals spectacular and the character interactions charming and entertaining. I’m very much looking forward to the sequel rumored to be released in 2017.

5. Don Jon (2013) /ドン・ジョン

Don Jon

Don Jon is a romantic-comedy drama of a different sort. Written and directed by one of my favorite actors, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, the film follows its suave hero Jon, a porn addict and ladies’ man, as he struggles to learn how to have a meaningful relationship with a woman. Both lighthearted and thought provoking, the movie examines the affects of technology and media on people’s understanding of sexuality and romance and the complications of modern romance. Definitely one of my favorite romantic-comedies.

4. The Seventh Seal (1957) / 第七の封印

The Seventh Seal

I am very fortunate I was finally able to see this film classic. The Seventh Seal is a Swedish film directed by Ingmar Bergman that tackles the existential question on the meaning of life in terms of Christian concepts, particularly the issue of “The Silence of God”. The movie is famous for its chess scene, where the hero Antonius Block challenges Death to a game in order to forestall his death. The acting is great, the casting superb, and the pacing is just right; while there is an overall somber tone throughout the movie it is not devoid of scenes of lighthearted comedy, particularly with the group of actors portrayed in the film. A very thought provoking and sincere meditation on the question of living a meaningful life in a world where god is absent.

3. Interstellar (2014) / インター・ステラー


Interstellar is a sci-fi drama directed by Christopher Nolan that depicts a future where the food supply of earth is drastically dwindling and humanity is facing the threat of extinction. A crew of astronauts sets out into outer space traveling through a wormhole in order to find a new home for humanity. Unfortunately, this short synopsis does not do the film justice. The basic core of the movie is actually centered around the astronaut Cooper, a single father who has left his two children in the care of his father-in-law, and his relationship with his young precocious daughter Murphy. Much of the emotional thrust of the film is tied to Cooper’s decision to leave his family in order to save humanity, not sure if he would ever see his family again. The film’s sublime music, composed by the renowned Hans Zimmer, compliments the spectacular visuals of the film and makes for one the most beautiful movies I have ever seen.

2. Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014) /アメイジング・スパイダーマン2

Amazing Spider-Man 2

While generally panned by film critics and either loved or hated by most Spider-Man fans, Amazing Spider-Man 2 is without a doubt my favorite Spider-Man movie. Granted the film is not without its flaws: the overall storyline is subpar, the villains are comic at best (pun intended), Andrew Garfield’s Peter Parker is a departure from the traditional depiction of the down-on-his-luck nerd and his relationship with Harry Osborn seemed shoehorned into the film. Be that as it may, Andrew Garfield’s Spider-Man is the best live action Spider-Man in my book. Funny, brash, agile, and strong, this is the Spider-Man I had waited my while life to see on the silver screen (sorry Tobey). I was immediately mesmerized from the opening scene where we find Spider-Man swinging through the city of New York to save the day and just finish with enough time to graduate. The action scenes are exciting and fun, and while Electro may not make the most compelling of villains, he certainly gives Spider-Man quite the fight. And then there is Gwen Stacy (played by Emma Stone), the love of Peter’s life (in this film series). The chemistry between Andrew Garfield and Emma is so strong that it made it easy for me to see past the shortcomings of the movie and get lost in this film. Also worth mentioning is Sally Field’s wonderful portayal of Peter’s Aunt May, kind and strong and always catching Peter at awkward times. And finally, Hans Zimmer (the composer of Interstellar) joined forces with the music conglomerate The Magnificent Six to produce another awesome soundtrack. Despite the various rumors surrounding this film franchise, I’m very much looking forward to the next film.

1. Her (2013) / 世界でひとつの彼女

“What is love?” This is the question that Spike Jonze’s Her explores. And I invite you to take the time to watch it if you want to find out <3 “愛とはなんだろう?” これがスパイク・ジョーンズの「世界でひとつの彼女」の探し求める問題です。そしてあなたが答えを見つけたいなら、この映画観ることをおすすめします。 Well that wraps up my Top 10 Movies of 2014. Please feel free to mention any of your favorite movies you saw in the past year or any movies you are looking forward to seeing in 2015 (Avengers 2 anyone?). 2014年に見た映画ベスト10を締めくくりましょう。過去にあなたが見た大好きな映画や、2015年に楽しみにしている映画があればぜひ気軽に話してくださいね。 List of Mike's Top 10 Movies of 2014 1. Her 2. Amazing Spider-Man 2 3. Interstellar 4. The Seventh Seal 5. Don Jon 6. Guardians of the Galaxy 7. X-Men: Days of Future Past 8. Frozen 9. The Sting 10. Edge of Tomorrow (All You Need is Kill) / Drive


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