My Top Movies to watch this year! by Karina
Happy New Year everyone!!
I hope you had a wonderful New Year Celebration..
I definitely had a great time as I went to Hong Kong to celebrate the NewYear with my family.
I ate a lot of Chinese food, enjoyed massages as well as sightseeing.
But one of the highlights of my trip was that we managed to watch 2 amazing movies.
One of them is Les Miserables and the other one is Life of Pi.
I strongly recommend these 2 movies as they were my favorite movies of the year
I strongly recommend these 2 movies as they were my favorite movies of the year
そのうちの一つは「レ・ミゼラブル」でもうひとつは「ライフ・オブ・パイ」 よ。
They are from 2 totally different genres.
Les Miserables is a musical drama movie based on a Broadway Musical of thesame name.
And I just have to take my hats off to Anne Hathaway for her stellar,moving performance of Fantine,
a woman with an unfortunate fate during the French Revolution Era.
If you love musical, this is definitely the movie for you.
Les Miserables is a musical drama movie based on a Broadway Musical of thesame name.
And I just have to take my hats off to Anne Hathaway for her stellar,moving performance of Fantine,
a woman with an unfortunate fate during the French Revolution Era.
If you love musical, this is definitely the movie for you.
Also, HughJackman's performance as a runaway convict was so convincing and amazing.
It is a pretty long movie, and expect to
be moved to tears a couple of times.
be moved to tears a couple of times.
So please bring lots of tissues! 😉
「レ・ミゼラブル」はミュージカルドラマでブロードウェイ・ミュージカルが ベースになっているものなの。
「レ・ミゼラブル」はミュージカルドラマでブロードウェイ・ミュージカルが ベースになっているものなの。
これはちょっと長時間の映画だけれども、何回か涙を流して 感動するシーンがあると思うわ。
Life of Pi is coming to theaters in Japan on January 25th.
I just love this movie, not only for the story, but also the beautiful
I just love this movie, not only for the story, but also the beautiful
The story is about a boy who survived a disaster at sea
and were strandedon a boat with a Bengal tiger as a companion.
and were strandedon a boat with a Bengal tiger as a companion.
ただ私はこの映画が好きでそれは物語だけでなく美しい映画の撮影方法も好きな ところよ。
ただ私はこの映画が好きでそれは物語だけでなく美しい映画の撮影方法も好きな ところよ。
この物語は一人の男の子がベンガルトラの連れ添いでトラと海で座 礁し生き延びていく話よ。
I feel that it is an amazing adventure movie filled with suspense and
The movie really opens my eyes about the astonishing beauty of
nature and the relationship between humans, animals and nature.
It also teaches lessons about the unexpected surprises that life has in
store for you and how you respond to that.
nature and the relationship between humans, animals and nature.
It also teaches lessons about the unexpected surprises that life has in
store for you and how you respond to that.
この映画は驚くような自然の美しさや、人間、動物、自然の関係性について描か れていて目を大きく見開いて観ちゃったわ。
予期せぬことが人生が起こりうるけれども、それに対してどう応えるかの大事さ をこの映画が教えてくれます。
この映画は驚くような自然の美しさや、人間、動物、自然の関係性について描か れていて目を大きく見開いて観ちゃったわ。
予期せぬことが人生が起こりうるけれども、それに対してどう応えるかの大事さ をこの映画が教えてくれます。
So these two are my top rated Movies of the year!
Not only they are so amazing, they are also so memorable.
Not only they are so amazing, they are also so memorable.
I really hoped you had a good New Year celebration and I wish you an
amazing 2013.
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