リープ・イヤー うるう年のプロポーズ“Leap Year”by Varelie
Hi everyone!
With the Coronavirus causing many events to be canceled, it’s a good time to stay inside and watch some movies!
I love a good romance comedy, and a great one to watch this year is Leap Year (2010)!
私はロマンティックコメディが大好きで、今年観るのにピッタリな映画は『Leap Year(邦題:リープ・イヤー うるう年のプロポーズ』です!
Leap Year is a year that has an extra day added to keep the calendar year synchronized with the seasons.
This happens once every four years and Leap Day is on February 29th.
This movie focuses on a famous Irish Leap Day tradition.
In Ireland, women can propose to men on Leap Day.
In this movie, Anna Brady, decides to travel to Dublin, Ireland, to propose to her boyfriend Jeremy.
この映画では、Anna Brady(アンナ・ブレイディ)が恋人のJerem(ジェレミー)にプロポーズするために、アイルランドのダブリンに旅行へ行くことを決めます。
However, she runs into many problems on the way, including the man in the picture above who is not her boyfriend.
This is a very light and cute movie that I recommend watching!
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