ナイト&デイ“Knight & Day”
Knight and Day, starring Tom Cruise 'Roy' and Cameron Diaz 'June' is a fresh and modern action movie with a nice balance of comedy, romance and excitement that never lets up.
「ナイト アンド デイ」は主演がトムクルーズ(Roy)とキャメロンディアズ(June)で、斬新なアクションとハラハラドキドキするラブロマンスコメディーのバランスがいいよ!
The film was a non-stop thrill ride and highly enjoyable. It's been good to see Tom return his focus back to film and put in some solid performances the last couple of years. Cameron, always a delight, was her charismatic self and the two surprisingly had great onscreen chemistry.
ノンストップなスリル感で、とっても楽しめる映画でした。 2年ぶりぐらいにタフで素敵なトムが戻ってきたのが見れたよ。
I was surprised to learn that the original working title was “Wichita”.(my hometown)
Why Wichita? The title characters first bump into each other there at the airport. Roy was there infiltrating a secret technology lab, June was there to find rare parts to rebuild her deceased father's classic car. Wichita has many classic car parts specialists and the people appreciate the nostalgia of yesteryear.
びっくりしたのが、この映画のオリジナルタイトルが 「Wichita (僕のホームタウン)」だってこと。
なんで Wichita? 映画の主人公たちが、その場所の空港で初めて出会ったのです。Royは電子研究所に任務されたスパイで(infiltrating a secret technology lab) Juneは死んだお父さんのクラッシックカーを復元させるために、レアな部品を探しに来ていた。 Wichitaには沢山のクラシックカーのパーツの専門家が
In fact, during high school, I drove a 1956 Chevy Bel Air. It was loud, bold and cool, which was what any young man aspires to be at that age.
I don't want to spoil the movie for you, so I'll stop here! But, please take a look below at a few of the phrases in the movie that I thought might interest you.
If you miss Knight and Day at the theatre, make sure to get it when it comes out on DVD.
実際、僕が高校生の時、1956年物のシボレーベルエアに乗ったんだよ。 それはその年頃の男子たちが欲しがる、うるさくてかっこ良くてイケてる車だったんだ。
みんながこの映画を見る前に台無しにしたくないから(内容をバラしてしまうと) ここらへんでやめておくよ!
もし「Knight and Day」を映画館で見逃してもDVDで見てね。
Thanks for checking the blog,Joseph
◆ A few phrases from Knight and Day◆
'He set me up' (a line used in 80% of action movies)
'don't worry, I got this' (said with confidence)
'off the grid' (no phones, no email, no facebook. YEA!!!)
'run out of juice' (important phrase with the increasing number of electronics we carry these days) 燃料切れになる、電池が切れる (近頃では、沢山の電気が使われ、このような表現になった重要なフレーズだね!)
'Sometimes things happen for a reason'
'Someday is just code for never' (so true, isn't it?!)
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