シャーロック 忌まわしき花嫁”Sherlock: The Abominable Bride”by Paul
シャーロック 忌まわしき花嫁”Sherlock: The Abominable Bride”
The 10th episode of this highly popular series sees one of the sexiest men alive, Benedict Cumberbatch, return to the role he is most well know for.
Unlike the previous episodes in the series which take place in modern day London this episode places our Heroes in their original 19th Century setting, taking us back to Victorian times and demonstrating again that the worlds greatest detective is applicable to any era.
The title of the story comes from a case mentioned by Holmes in the Books but never shown and follows a seemingly supernatural case of a Bride who returns from the dead and starts murdering men at random.
If you’re new to ‘Sherlock’ this episode isn’t the best place to start, I recommend watching the series from the beginning as there are certain plot lines that run throughout the series. As for fans of ‘Sherlock’ it’s really a must see.
It’s not only a great episode but it pays homage to previous Sherlock Holmes series from Basil Rathbone to Jeremy Brett.
‘Sherlock: The Abominable Bride’ will be showing at select movie theaters in Japan from February 19th.
シャーロック 忌まわしき花嫁(Sherlock: The Abominable Bride)の日本公開は2月19日からスタートです!
Paulは主にb わたしの英会話銀座スクールと新宿スクールで勤務しています!
by Paul
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