十二人の怒れる男(“12 Angry Men”)
"12 Angry Men" is a classic American film that showcases the moral and
logical decisions that a juror must make. This movie is about 12 jurors
that must decide whether a man who is being convicted for murdering his
father is "Guilty" or "Not Guilty." All 12 of the jurors must come to the
same conclusion. Their vote must be unanimous, whether all 12 jurors vote
"guilty" or "not guilty."
The movie begins with 11 votes for "Guilty" and
only 1 vote for "Not Guilty." He is juror #11 and he voted not guilty and
must now persuade the rest of the jurors to reconsider their vote. While
trying to get the other jurors to reconsider their vote, an argument starts
between Juror #10 and Juror #11. Where juror #10 says while speaking of
the character of the defendant, "He's a common ignorant slob. He don't
even speak good English." And juror #11 corrects him by saying, "Doesn't
even speak good English." Though this is not perfect English can you
figure out a better way of saying "Doesn't even speak good English." How
about, "Doesn't even speak English well." That sounds much better.
Hopefully you will get the chance to watch "12 Angry Men," as it is one of
my favorite movies. Considering that Japan will begin its own version of
the Judge-Juror system, similar to the one used in the United States of
America. I feel that this movie can be helpful for truly understanding the
real role of the Juror.
古典的なアメリカ映画です。 この映画は、父親を殺害したために有罪を宣告された少年が
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