
Recently my boyfriend and I went to see the movie, Dark Shadows.
Have any of you seen this movie yet?
Even though it contained quite a bit of “dark humor”, I actually enjoyed it for its creatively humorous way of merging two eras in human history – the 1970s and the 1750s. Also, because I saw it in a Japanese movie theater, it offered an even more interesting backdrop for watching this movie.
Interestingly enough, Dark Shadows started out as an American gothic soap opera that originally aired from June 27, 1966 to April 2, 1971 on ABC television network in the United States (according to Wikipedia).
The movie, Dark Shadows, which opened in theaters in 2012, stars Johnny Depp as the vampire Barnabas Collins.
The story line begins in the year 1750 when Joshua and Naomi Collins, with their young son Barnabas, set sail from England to start a new life in America.
They end up making it big and building a large fishing empire in a coastal town in Maine.
However, as Barnabas grows older he falls in love with a young girl named Josette DuPres and because of that, ends up breaking the heart of another girl named Angelique Bouchard – who, incidentally, is also in love with him and is a witch.
Because Angelique is so angry with Barnabas she turns him into an immortal vampire and has him buried alive! Nearly 200 years later Barnabas is found and freed from his coffin.
He then becomes fixated on rebuilding his parent’s fishing empire that was taken over by Angelique, the witch.
I really enjoyed the comedic aspects of this movie because of the way 1970s icons such as lava lamps, macrame, and shag carpet were intertwined with the darker and heavier scenery of the 1750s.
One thing to note when watching this movie is that Barnabas (Depp) often uses older style vocabulary which contributes to the comedy mix. Here are some examples:
Barnabas Collins: “I shall restore the family business to its former glory.”
Barnabas Collins: “My beloved home, what have they done to you?
Barnabas Collins: “I seek advice on the art of courting a woman of this time.”
In these sentences it sounds like the speaker lived a long time ago, because words like shall, beloved, seek, and courting are not as common as they once were.
The only negative thing I would say about this movie is that it does have some scary parts and dark humor which some people may find scary or offensive.
There is another side of my Dark Shadows experience that I would like to tell you about too.
And that is the difference between etiquette in Japanese movie theaters as compared to etiquette in US theaters.
For example, there was one point in the movie when Barnabas (Depp) is in the midst of a self-pitying rant and he rests his head on an electronic organ which triggers one of the device’s recorded backbeats – a beat which I distinctly remember as a child growing up.
It was at this part of the movie that I instinctively burst out laughing, but to my surprise – nobody else did. I immediately covered my mouth in embarrassment and continued to laugh trying to hold it in. But, as some of you may know, the more you laugh when you are not supposed to laugh the harder it is to stop!
So there I was laughing so hard I was crying and everyone else was absolutely silent.
I couldn’t understand it.
“Why isn’t anybody else laughing?”
I asked myself.
Then I thought maybe they didn’t understand the humor or maybe they didn’t know the rock beat, or maybe they just didn’t think it was funny.
Either way, it felt strange to me, and as a result, I started to feel like I was alone in watching the movie.
Later on, after the movie, I asked my boyfriend why nobody laughed and he explained that it is considered rude to laugh out loud in a movie theater in Japan.
Ahhhhh, so now I understood!
I told him in the US, we usually all laugh together during the funny parts of a movie, so it was really hard for me to be quiet.
Either way, I had a really good time at the movie theater that night and I would give it 4 out of 5 stars
恋と仕事に効く英語は、英会話をはじめて学ぶ大人女子のための英会話スクールb わたしの英会話で日々英会話を学ばれているお客さま、レッスンパートナー(外国人講師)、そしてコンシェルジュが仕事やレッスンの中で話題にしている様々なトピックの中から「これは役立つ!」と思うものをまとめて編集した上で公開しています。