映画で学ぶ英会話「Glory by Jacquelyn」
Recently I watched an excellent movie called, “Glory”.
It is a bit of an older movie, it came out in 1989, but it is still very much worth watching.
It is based on the US Civil War’s first all-black volunteer company (basically a small to medium sized group of people going to fight in a war).
1989年の少し古い映画ですが、それでも観るに値する映画です。 こ
The leader of the group was named Robert Gould Shaw.
He was the son of Francis George and Sarah Blake Shaw, who were wealthy abolitionist intellectuals.
During the war he often wrote letters to his parents describing the events that he saw.
These letters are currently on display in the Houghton Library at Harvard University in America.
The movie is mainly a drama, but there are some fighting scenes in it.
Matthew Broderick plays Robert Gould Shaw, Denzel Washington plays Private Trip, Cary Elwes plays Major Cabot Forbes, and Morgan Freeman plays Sergeant Major John Rawlins.
The American Civil War was a civil war fought from 1861 to 1865 in the United States.
The main reason for the war was the issue of slavery.
There was a group of states in “the South” that wanted slavery and a group of states in “the North” that wanted to abolish slavery.
The interesting thing, that I learned from the movie, was that the war was only fought by white people and it wasn’t until Shaw led his all-black volunteer company that blacks fought in the war.
Which I found very strange because the war was about them and about slavery.
Which, I guess, goes to show how much black people were not considered part of society.
It is amazing to think that about 150 years ago there were slaves in the United States, but now we have a black president.
Now black people can vote and have equal opportunities.
Although there is still a lot of work to do, we have come a long way.
I found myself thinking about all of the people who died during the American civil war and all of the people who have died up until today to fight for equal rights.
I don’t know if all of them envisioned the society that we have today —
especially those who fought in the civil war, but the movie impressed upon me how these people fought for something they could not at all see in their daily lives.
This movie had a strong effect on me and after watching it I researched some of the names & events that were mentioned in the movie.
And I even bought a book of Robert Gould Shaw’s letters.
It should be arriving from Amazon this week!
I hope you will take the time to watch this movie. Thanks!
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