The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug by Peter
Greetings everyone!
Have you seen The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug yet?
もう「ホビット 竜に奪われた王国」を観たんですか?
I just saw it and I must say it was excellent!
Have you read “the Hobbit,” or any of the other books of “Lord of the Rings” series?
For movies based on novels, do you prefer to read the novel before seeing the movie? Or do you like to see the movie before reading the book?
One original character who does not appear in the book and was created especially for the movie is Tauriel, the captain of the Mirkwood Elven guard.
She is a very brave elf, and tells Prince Legolas about the importance of stopping the evil spiders to help other living things:
It is our fight. It will not end here.
With every victory this evil will grow. If your father has his way, we will do nothing.
We will hide within our walls, live our lives away from the light and let darkness descend.
Are we are not part of this world? Tell me, Mellon, when did we let evil become stronger than us?
By the way, in Elvish “Mellon” means “friend.”
Even though Legolas is a prince, he and Tauriel have a very close relationship, so that is probably why it is alright for her to call him her friend.
If you have seen the movie or plan on seeing it soon, let’s have fun talking about it together!
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