
Hello everyone! How many of you are Glee fans? It may sound silly, but recently I have started watching dubbed versions of Glee to practice my Japanese.
A number of members have told me that they like to watch Glee and that they try to watch it in English, but that it’s still too difficult to understand.
Well, I would like to try to help you understand some of the lingo used in this famous TV drama.
皆さんこんにちは!Gleeのファンの方は何名いますか? ちょっとおバカに聞こえるかもしれませんが、最近私は日本語の練習のために吹き替えバージョンのGleeを観始めました。
Let’s start with this little conversation from Season 1 Pilot.
This conversation takes place in the teacher’s lounge.
Will Schuester: “Where’s the coffee pot?”
ウィル シュースター:コーヒーポットはどこ?
Teacher: “Figgins got rid of it. Budget cuts. You know, I know for a fact that they are still getting hot java at Carver. We should strike.”
Sue Sylvester: “Hello, boys. Who needs a pick-me-up?”
Teacher: “Wow, lattes!”
Sue Sylvester: “Yeah, I am a bit of a coffee snob. Now, the key to a perfect latte, is in the temperature of the steamed milk. I like mine scalding.”
OK. Did you get it? If not, here is what some of the words mean:
◆get rid of: to throw away or give away(捨てる、手放す)
I got rid of some old clothes after cleaning my closet.
◆java: another name for coffee(コーヒーの別名)
I am going to Starbucks to get my morning java.
◆pick-me-up: something that gives you more energy or makes you feel cheerful (i.e. coffee, fruit smoothie, energy drinks, snacks, martinis, sweets, etc.)
The hot chocolate is a perfect afternoon pick-me-up, and if you need a snack, try the minestrone soup with fresh-baked bread.
◆snob: a person who wants to be in a high social position and thinks they are better than those in lower social positions.
Her mother was a snob and wanted her daughter to marry a lawyer.
◆coffee snob: someone who is really particular about their coffee – they usually support local roasters and will not drink pre-ground non-fresh coffee, including instant coffee. They wouldn’t drink Starbucks, Dunkin Doughnuts, or McDonalds coffee.
(コーヒーに細かいこだわりがある人。 現地の新鮮な焙煎コーヒー豆しか受け付けなく、インスタントコーヒーなどの粉末コーヒーは飲まない。スターバックスやダンキンドーナッツ、マクドナルドなどのコーヒーも飲まないような人たちのこと。)
◆the key to ~ : a small, important piece of information that helps you understand something.
The key to success is handwork and determination.
◆scalding: super hot (とても熱い)
She took a sip of scalding tea.
I hope you enjoyed this post. I look forward to hearing your comments!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,
恋と仕事に効く英語は、英会話をはじめて学ぶ大人女子のための英会話スクールb わたしの英会話で日々英会話を学ばれているお客さま、レッスンパートナー(外国人講師)、そしてコンシェルジュが仕事やレッスンの中で話題にしている様々なトピックの中から「これは役立つ!」と思うものをまとめて編集した上で公開しています。