





    June Brideという言葉は、日本でもよく耳にしますよね♪今月はJune Brideにちなんで




    結婚式 英語


    What are the differences between Japan and your country’s wedding receptions?

    ・The weddings I went to in America tended to be a little more active – guests and family dancing especially, and games, bouquet and garter toss, etc.
    I also think the use of a fake ‘church’ and even fake 外国人 ‘priests’ just for looks, is funny!
    アメリカの結婚式は、ゲストや家族がダンスをしたりゲームをしたり、ブーケトスやガータートス等もっとアクティブだね。あと、日本の偽物の教会や偽物の外国人牧師は、うけるよ!(Alex from USA)

    ・In Japan I think everyone gives the couple money as gifts? But in America couples usually have a registry before the wedding. They make an account at some stores where they make their wish list. Wedding guests can visit those stores and buy the items on the couple’s wish list beforehand.
    日本では、みんな新郎新婦にお金(ご祝儀)を渡すでしょ?アメリカでは、結婚式までにいくつかのお店に欲しいものリストを登録しておくの。ゲストは、そのお店に行って新郎新婦が欲しいものを買ってプレゼントできるのよ。(Sarah from USA)

    結婚 英語

    ・The biggest difference I think is in the entertainment. Weddings in Australia, we don’t usually play any games, have live performances by the bridal party and the bride doesn’t read a letter to her parents. Usually the father of the bride, father of the groom, best man, maid of honor and the bridal couple will give a speech or toast. Recently, it has become popular to have a photobooth at the reception for guests to take photos in wearing funny hats, moustaches and boa scarfs.
    オーストラリアでは、日本みたいに結婚式でゲームをしたりゲストがパフォーマンスしたり新婦の手紙もないわ。新婦のお父さんと新郎のお父さん、新郎新婦の友人がスピーチしたり乾杯したりするの。最近だと変な帽子やひげとか首飾りとかを使って写真を取るフォトブース等が流行っているかな。(Allison from Australia)


    Please tell me about your country’s weddings.

    During the dinner people often clink their glasses with their silverware when they want the bride and groom to kiss in front of everyone.
    食事中は新郎新婦にゲストの前でキスをして欲しいときは、ゲストがグラスをシルバーで鳴らすのよ。(Jackie from USA)
    Some people do a “money dance” – the bride and groom are available for dancing at the reception, and people who want to dance with them will gift money – which is usually pinned to the grooms suit or brides dress.

    The bride will throw the bouquet, which I heard sometimes happens in Japan. But we also sometimes have a garter toss – when the groom removes a garter from the bride’s leg (sometimes with only his teeth!) and then launches it off to be caught by the single men in the wedding. This seems to be much more exciting in America and sometimes people fight or push to catch the bouquet and garter.
    新婦のブーケトスは日本でも聞いたことあるけど、アメリカではガータートスなんてのがあって。新郎が新婦の足からガーターをとって(たまに歯でとるなんてのもあるけど)それを独身男性に向かって投げるんだ。ブーケやガーターをとるために、戦いが起こるよ。(Alex form USA)

    Do you have any traditional things or ceremonies during the wedding reception in your country?

    If the reception is done the typical way, foods that are served include highlights such as a roast pig and shark-fin soup. However, I’ve heard that recently couples are starting to replace shark-fin soup with alternatives to stop animal cruelty.
    香港だと典型的なウェディングは、焼き豚やフカヒレスープのような高級なお料理が提供されます。最近だと、動物愛護の為にフカヒレスープに代わるものを提供するカップルもいるみたいだけど。(Joyce from Hong Kong)

    There are lots of traditions in the UK! A bride is supposed to wear ‘something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue’ for good luck. It is supposed to be unlucky for the bride and groom to see each other on the morning of the wedding, so they usually stay in separate places or different hotel rooms. 
    イギリスには色んな伝統があるわ!新婦は、何か古いもの、何か新しいもの、何か借りたもの、何か青いものを当日身につけると幸せが訪れるというわ。式当日の朝は、新郎新婦は会わない方がいいと言われているから、普通別のホテルに泊まるのよ。(Joanne from UK)

    Is it common to have bridesmaids and groomsmen ?
    (We don’t have such a culture but recently it’s getting popular in Japan.)

    Yes, it’s very common, and sometimes causes problems and fights between friends! It can be very expensive to be a bridesmaid or usher, because you have to buy your clothes.
    とても有名ね。たまに友達動詞喧嘩になったり問題も起こったりするわ。衣装を買わなきゃいけないからお金もかかるしね。(Andrea form USA)

    Bachelor parties are common before the wedding. A man who will get married goes drinking with his friends. He must over drink. Sometimes his friends hire “an exotic dancer” to dance and strip (take off her clothes) in front of him. This is a last chance to see another woman’s body. His friends think this is funny.
    (David from Canada)

    The adult bridesmaids also organise the ‘hen do’ (a party the bride has with all her female friends).
    The groom picks a ‘best man’ and it is his job to organise the ‘stag do’ (a party the groom has with all his male friends), look after the rings on the wedding day and make an entertaining speech after dinner. It is an important job so the best man must be prepared!
    大人のブライズメイドは、hen doという女性だけのパーティを、新郎側のベストマンは、stag doという男性だけのパーティをを計画するのよ。ベストマンは、式のリングやディナー時のスピーチもしなくてはいけなくて、とても大切な仕事だから準備が必要なの。(Joanne from UK)

    ブライズメイドって大変なんですね(笑) 独身さよならパーディーは映画だけの世界かと思ってましたが、あるんですね!アメリカではBachelor partyイギリスでは、stag do(party)と言い方が違うそう。日本にはない文化ですが、なんだか楽しそうです!





    ★関連エントリ ★


    ・ 英語だと通じない!?和製英語「~アップ」

    ・ 「意外と多い?身の回りの和製英語達!!」

    ・ 実は通じない!? 食べ物・飲み物にまつわる和製英語




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