Mini grammar blog: checking parts of speech
Hello b-members!
If you’re studying a language, it’s important to know parts of speech such as nouns, verbs, and adjectives. A difficult point when you’re learning English is that some words can change parts of speech.
Let’s look at these examples:
(1) When is the store open? (このお店は何時にオープンしますか?)
(2) When does the store open? (このお店は何時にオープンしますか?)
In sentence (1), “open” is an adjective, so we use “is” as the verb. This is the same grammar as:
(1)の文ではopenは形容詞として使うためisは動詞となります。これと同じことが下の例文の“When is the dog happy”でも当てはまります。
When is the dog happy?(犬が機嫌が良い時はいつですか?)
In sentence (2), “open” is a verb, so we use the helping verb “does” to make a question.
This is the same grammar as:
(2)の文では“open”が動詞となるため“does”は疑問文を作るための助動詞となります。これも同じことが下の例文の”When does she wake up”にも当てはまります。
When does she wake up?(彼女は何時に起きますか?)
In fact, sentences (1) and (2) have the same meaning, but different grammar!
Here are two more sentences:
(3) Would you like to walk? (歩いていきますか?)
(4) Would you like to take a walk? (散歩にいきますか?)
Take a moment to think about the word “walk” in these sentences. What part of speech is it? Well, in sentence (3), it’s a verb. In sentence (4), it’s a countable noun.
The meaning of these sentences is a little different. “take a walk” is usually for fun or exercise, but “walk” is a way to go somewhere.
これら2つの意味は少し異なってきます。”take a walk”は基本的には楽しみやエクササイズとして使います。しかし”walk”はどこかへ行くときの手段として使います。
When you’re learning new words in English, always remember to check the parts of speech, and ask your lesson partner for help if you need it. This will improve your grammar as well!
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