![title icon](../img/text_icon_b.png)
After spending a few days in London, I flew back to New York. On my way to work this morning, I got a call from the ad agency. They offered me the job! I’m not sure if I’ll accept it yet, but it feels good to get an offer. I waited until after work to tell Katie about it.
![day 8](../text_photo/day08_01.jpg)
Belle: Katie, I have some news. I got the gig!
Katie: That’s awesome, Belle! Congratulations. I’m so happy that your interview was a success!
Belle: So am I! The whole trip went really well. I’m in the mood for a drink!
Katie: So am I. Let’s celebrate over a drink...or two or three!
Belle: I don’t work tomorrow, so let’s party!
Katie: Neither do I. Yay! Girls’ night out!
What’s Belle’s big news?
Has she accepted the offer?
Positive Responses:
“Last Saturday I went to Central Park.”
“So did I.”
Negative Responses:
“It was a bit cold so I didn’t stay long.”
“Neither did I.”
What a great meal! I love sushi. | So do I. | |
Sarah was born in Denver. | (be) Ted. | |
Katie doesn’t like peas. | (do) Brian. | |
I didn’t like that movie very much. | (do) I. | |
Belle can drink a lot! | (can) Ted. |
Complete the dialogue using so or neither and the proper form of the verbs.
Belle: I’m really glad we became friends, Katie. I hope we can keep in touch.
Katie: ______________ (do) I.
Belle: Uh-oh. I think I’ve had a bit too much to drink. I’m getting tipsy!
Katie: ______________ (be) I!
Belle: I’m not ready to go home yet, though!
Katie: ______________ (be) I! Let’s hit up the next bar!
Talk with your lesson partner to get to know each other more.
What do you two have in common? Any differences?
“I love sushi.” “So do I! I don’t eat shellfish, though.”
“Neither do I! / Oh, I do!”
food and drinks - hobbies - skills - birth month - trips
So did / neither did
So…(~もそうだ)/ Neither…(~もそうじゃない)
Day8では、So… / Neither…を紹介します。これはどちらも相手の発言に同意する時に用いる表現で、「So / Neither +助動詞+主語」の形で示されます。相手の発言が肯定文のときは、So、相手の発言が否定文の時はNeitherを用います。
この言い回しは要するに “Me too”をより的確に表した言葉なのですが、普段こんな感じで使います。
A:I like this food!
B:So do I.
上の場合だと、”Me too”でも構わないですが、否定の場合はちょっと変わってきます。
A:I don’t like this food.
B:Neither do I. (Me neither)