![title icon](../img/text_icon_b.png)
Since Brian is working this week, I asked Katie if she would take care of Leon while I am in London. She said she wouldn’t mind. What a good friend!
![day 4](../text_photo/day04_01.jpg)
Belle: Thanks so much for taking care of Leon while I’m away. Could you please take him for a 15-minute walk each morning and evening?
Katie: Sure, no problem.
Belle: Oh, and can you make sure he gets a treat just before bedtime?
Katie: Got it.
Belle: Thanks. Also, can you leave some classical music on during the day? He gets bored easily. He prefers Mozart, by the way.
Katie: OK.
Belle: Oh, and one more thing. Would you mind...?
What did Belle ask Katie to do?
What do you think she wanted to ask Katie in the end?
What’s the biggest favor you have ever done for someone?
Can you / Could you / Would you + base verb
Could you give me a ride to the airport, please?
Would you mind + gerund
Would you mind giving Leon a bath while I’m away?
It is too hot in here. Can you ...?
I’m not sure what this word means. Could you ...?
You’re going to Hawaii? Would you ...?
I’m not sure how to get to the station. Would you mind ...?
You get to see my favorite actor? Can / could / would you...?
Complete the dialogue with can you , could you , would you or would you mind.
Belle: Would you like me to bring anything back from London for you?
Katie: _______________ bringing me a Paddington Bear?
Belle: They’re so cute. I’d be glad to.
Katie: Great, thanks! _______________ also bring me a London double-decker bus keychain? And...oh, I almost forgot.
_______________ pick up some t-shirts, too?
What kind of help do you need from the following people?
● a coworker | ● your lesson partner | |
● a flight attendant | ● a policeman | |
● a friend | ● the train station staff |
依頼文(could you, would you, can you, would you mind?)
Day4では、依頼文の作り方を説明します。can you~?、will you~?、could you~?、,would you~?、 can you~?、 would you mind~?などの微妙なニュアンスの違いを学びます。
■ can you?とwill you?
Will you~? には「断らないだろう」という前提があります(willは名詞で”意志”という意味があります)。ですので、見ず知らずの他人に使うのは少し失礼。逆に、友達同士や家族間などで使うのがいいですね。
A:Will you pass me the salt? (塩を取ってくれない?)
B:Sure. (いいよ)
Can you~?は「相手が断るかもしれない」という前提が含まれています。
A:Can you pass me the salt? (塩を取ってくれませんか?)
B:Certainly. (かしこまりました。)
■ could you?とwould you?
would you~? と could you~? はwill you~?とcan you~?の丁寧な依頼の表現です。過去形の助動詞が使われることによって丁寧になるのです。その理由は、過去形の持つ「遠い感じ」がする「距離感」です。日本語でも丁寧な言い回しには「距離感」を感じます(逆に「タメ口」をきかれると「距離感」が感じられず失礼だなと思いますね。)。なお、would you~?には、will you~?と同じく「断らないだろう」という前提があります。
A:Would you take me to the station?(駅まで連れて行ってもらえませんか?)
B:No problem.(構わないよ。)
could you~?は、can you~? の丁寧な言い方です。Can you~? と同じく「相手が断るかもしれない」という前提が含まれています。
A:Could you help me with my homework?(宿題を手伝って頂けませんか?)
B:I’m sorry I can’t.(ごめんなさい、できません。)
■ Do(Would) you mind ~ing …? (「~してもらえ(頂け)ますか。」)
Would you mind calling me at 9PM? (9時に電話を頂けますか。)
⇒ Of course not.(わかりました。)=(I don’t mindなので分かりました)