![title icon](../img/text_icon_b.png)
What a surprise! This morning I got a call from an ad agency in London that wants to see my portfolio. They need a photographer for a series of car ads over the next three months. This could be my chance to start working freelance back in London!
![day 3](../text_photo/day03_01.jpg)
Belle: Katie, guess what?
Katie: What, Belle?
Belle: I’m not supposed to tell anyone this, but a big London ad agency invited me to show my portfolio!
Katie: That’s terrific! Congratulations.
Belle: Thanks. I’m supposed to meet them in London!
What’s Belle’s good news? Is it a secret?
What is she supposed to do next?
be + (not) supposed + to - infinitive verb
I am supposed to go to London in two weeks.
Brian was supposed to work yesterday but he was sick.
I am not supposed to wear sandals to the interview.
Next week at work, I am supposed to make a presentation.
My friend and I were supposed ... , but ...
When I was a student, I wasn’t supposed ... , but ...
On the train, we are (not) supposed ...
When we’re on a diet, we are not supposed ...
Complete the dialogue using supposed and the proper form of the verbs.
Katie: When _____ you ______________________ (go) to London?
Belle: I ___________________________ (be) there the week after next.
Katie: That’s very soon! _____ you ______________________ (present) anything besides your portfolio?
Belle: No, but I ___________________________ (be) ready to discuss ideas for the project.
Tell your lesson partner about (a) some rules in public places, (b) your future obligations and (c) canceled plans.
“In Tokyo, we’re supposed to stand on the left on an escalator.”
“The fireworks show was supposed to be held this evening but it was called off because of the rain.”
be supposed to
Day3では、supposedとnot supposedを紹介します。supposeは動詞で、「想定する」とか「仮定する」という意味になります。似た単語としては、assumeとかthinkがありますね。
be supposed toは、予定·期待や義務を表現する際に使う表現で、「be supposed to+動詞の原形」の形を取ります。意味としては、規則、約束、習慣等によって、本来「~することになっている、~しなくてはいけない、~するはずだ」というニュアンスです。「~することになっている」のだから「~しなくてはいけない」のです。
例1:I’m supposed to go see him today.
例2:This is supposed to be great news for you.
例3:You’re not supposed to park here.
また、be supposed toは過去形になると叶わなかった期待や行われなかった義務を意味します。
例4:I was supposed to call him last night (but did not).
例5:He was supposed to go back to Tokyo last night. (but of he couldn’t)