I had a short break this weekend, so Brian and I drove to see my parents. It feels good to be home again. We talked about old memories and our lives today. What a long strange trip it’s been! I also thought about how lucky I was. If Brian hadn’t come with me, we couldn’t have started this adventure together.

Dad: We’re so glad to have you back, Belle. If you hadn’t gotten this job in London, you wouldn’t have moved back so soon.
Mom: And if you hadn’t moved to New York, you wouldn’t have had so many great opportunities.
Belle: That’s true. I have been very lucky. If I hadn’t had your support, I wouldn’t have been able to do it.
Mom: We’re always happy to help.
What did Belle and Brian do over the weekend?
If Belle had stayed New York, what do you think she would have done?
If + had + past participle + would(n’t) have + past participle
If I had won the lottery, I would have bought a house.
If I hadn’t moved to New York, I wouldn’t have met Brian.
If I had saved my money, I would have started my own business last year.
If I had seen you at the party, I would have said hello.
If he had remembered his cell phone...
If they had checked the weather forecast...
If she hadn’t reminded me about the meeting...
If she hadn’t missed her flight...
Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the verbs.
Belle: If I _____________ (live) in New York, I ________________ (meet) so many interesting people.
Mom: If you ______________ (work) so hard, you _____________ (be) able to get a new job here in England.
Belle: Well, If I _________________ (try) a little harder, maybe I __________________ (have) more success.
Tell your lesson partner about regrets that you have. What would have been different?
“If I had left home a little earlier this morning, I wouldn’t have been late for work.”
・PJ3 – Day 17: 仮定法過去
・PJ4 – Day 2: wishを用いた仮定法過去・仮定法過去完了
・If + 主語 + had + 過去分詞、主語 + 助動詞の過去形(would/could etc) + have + 過去分詞
なお、仮定法”過去完了”だからifの文で”過去完了”(had + 過去分詞)を使うのは何となくわかっても、その後に続く文が、助動詞の過去形と”完了形”(have+過去分詞)を使うことは、何となくしっくりこないかもしれません。
ですが、これはDay12で取り上げた「助動詞 + have + 過去分詞」の形と一緒なんですね。「助動詞 + have + 過去分詞」は、助動詞の「気持ち」が、have+過去分詞の「過去から現在へ迫ってくる感覚:に影響を与える形でした。例えば、「must have + 過去分詞」なら「~だったに違いない」、あるいは、Day16で取り上げた「will + have + 過去分詞」なら、視点が未来に移った上でそこから「~してしまっているだろう」という気持ちをあらわしましたね。
この仮定法過去完了の「主語 + 助動詞の過去形(would/could etc.)+ have + 過去分詞」においては、助動詞の「気持ち」が過去形になっていることから、その「気持ち」が遠のいて、すなわちその「気持ち」が控えめになって、「過去から現在へ迫ってくる感覚」に影響を与えていることがわかります。ただでさえifの文で過去の事実に反することを「もし~だったら」と言っているわけですから、「~だったろう」と控えめに言うのは当然ですね。
例1:If I had had enough money, I would have bought the car.
例2:If I had had enough money, I could have bouth the car.
また、以前Day2でも紹介しましたwishやif onlyを使った仮定法過去完了もあります。
・I wish+主語+had+過去分詞~
・If only+主語+had+過去分詞~
I wish I had known about it. (もしそれについて知っていたらなぁ。)
If only I had had more money then!(あの時私にもっとお金があったらなあ)