Today I announced to my boss and co-workers that I would be leaving the company and moving to London. Some of them were taken aback at first, but everyone was supportive. I really enjoyed working there and meeting so many fun and interesting people. I’m going to miss all of them!

Boss: I’m sorry to see you go, Belle, but I’m really happy for you. Tell me about your next job.
Belle: Well, it’s for an ad agency that will be doing a long series of car ads.
Boss: Is that so? It sounds interesting.
Belle: I’ll be shooting primarily in London, but also in other parts of Europe.
Boss: Fantastic. Be sure to keep us up to date with your new projects. I hope we’ll get to work together again sometime.
Belle: Well,it’s for an ad agency that will be doing a long series of car ads.
How did Belle’s colleagues react to the news?
How do you react in your mother tongue when you’re surprised?
I got a job in London. “You did? Fantastic!”
I’m going to start working freelance. “That’s great!”
I’m leaving next month. “Really?”
Did you hear that Belle is leaving the company? “She is?”
We’re going to have to finish the project without her. “Oh no!”
React using the proper form of the verbs.
I speak Spanish. (do) | You do | ? |
She’s from Norway. (be) | ? | |
They will arrive at six. (will) | ? | |
He can sing really well. (can) | ? | |
Ted can’t come to the party. (can) | ? |
Complete the dialogue using reactions.
Belle: I’m going to miss you, Ted.
Ted: ____________ ? I thought you didn’t like me.
Belle: Ha! Very funny. You’ll have to come visit me in London.
Ted: ______________! I have some other friends living in London, too.
Belle: ______________? I would love to meet them.
Take turns to surprise each other with some jaw-dropping facts! Add a follow-up question to keep the conversation going.
“I can use sign language.” “You can? Can you show me how to...?”
habits - achievements - skills - scary experiences - good news
Honest? マジで?
Honestly? ウソでしょう?
*You’re joking. 冗談でしょう?
*You’re kidding me! 冗談でしょう!?
Exactly. そのとおり
Indeed. いかにも(同意を示すとき)
Whatever you say. あなたの言うとおりでいいわ
Isn’t that so? 本当に?
I see. なるほど
See?! 言ったとおりでしょ(それみたことか)!
You see? わかる?
Pardon? なんですか?
You think so? そう思う?
You think so. そう思うんだ
Let me think. 考えさせて
Wow! すっげ~!
That was great! すごいじゃない!
Good/Nice job. よくやったね
You did it! やったね!
Sounds good to me. それいいわね
Sounds great! すばらしい!
That’s cool! かっこいい!
That’s awesome! すご~い!(オウサムと発音)
No way! ありえな~イ!(すご過ぎて)