Tag Questions
Brian and I made plans to go to Niagara Falls next weekend. We had a few disagreements, but we worked it out. I’m really looking forward to it!

Belle: I’m so excited about our trip! We need to find a place to stay.
Brian: Don’t worry about it. I already booked a budget motel for us.
Belle: What?! We’re not going to stay in a motel, are we?
Brian: Sure we are! Why not? We want to save money, don’t we?
Belle: Because it’s our vacation. I don’t want to stay in some dirty, old motel! There’s a Ritz-Carlton or something in Niagara, isn’t there?
Brian: You’re not serious, are you?
How does Belle feel about Brian’s plan?
Where do you think Belle would rather stay?
Tag Questions
Positive statement + negative tag?
We’re going to take a boat ride, aren’t we?
Negative statement + positive tag?
We aren’t going to stay in an old motel, are we?
Want to | Don’t want to |
leave on Thursday afternoon | leave on Saturday morning |
book a decent hotel | stay in an old motel |
eat at a nice Italian restaurant | eat fast food |
take a helicopter tour | sleep in |
Complete the dialogue with the proper tag questions.
Brian: We aren’t going to sleep in, __________________?
Belle: Why not? Our weekend should be relaxing, ____________ it?
Brian: Umm, well....
Belle: And we’re going to eat at the 5 star restaurants that Katie recommended, _____________________?
Brian: There won’t be any time for fishing, __________ there?
Plan a one-week, whirlwind tour around the world with your lesson partner. Where will you stop? What will you see? What will you bring? Who will you invite?
“We’re going to stop in Moscow, aren’t we?”
Tag Questions
Day9では、付加疑問文を紹介します。付加疑問文とは、「同意を求める疑問文」です。 つまり、「~ですね?」とか「~でしょ?」と、問いかけ、答えがあらかじめ分かっているようなことに同意を求める表現です。例文を見てみましょう。
You are a student, aren’t you? (あなたは生徒ですよね。)
この文末にある、「aren’t you?」が付加疑問文です。意味は2つあり、文の読み方で違ってきます。
肯定文の場合: 否定の短縮形+主語(代名詞)?
否定文の場合: 肯定+主語(代名詞)?
「~ではありませんよね。 ~ではないのでしたっけ。」
例:She didn’t go to Kyoto yesterday, did she? (昨日彼女は京都に行っていませんよね。)
彼女が京都に行ったのなら…Yes, she did.(はい、彼女は行きました。)
彼女が京都に行っていないのなら…No, she didn’t.(いいえ、彼女は行きませんでした。)
他にも、命令文+~, will you? 「~して下さいね。」、Let’s ~+~, shall we? 「~しましょうよ。」も、付加疑問文の一つです。
Don’t be shy, will you? (シャイになってはダメですよ。)
Let’s play baseball, shall we? (野球をしましょうよ。)