Katie and I went to the Wild Lily Tea Room this evening after work. They have a fantastic variety of teas. It was difficult to decide. Finally, we chose fresh mint.

Belle: We would love some fresh mint. Can you explain how to brew it?
Tea expert: Sure. It’s easy. First, pour hot water into your pot and cup. Swirl it around to warm them both up, then pour it out.
Belle: Okay.
Tea expert: Then, measure the tea using 1 teaspoon per person plus one teaspoon for the pot.
Which tea did Belle and Katie finally choose?
What’s the first step?
adverb + verb
First, boil some filtered water.
verb + adverb
Put the leaves in the pot first.
do I + verb + adverb?
Do I measure the tea first?
Put the adverbs in order.
then finally next after that first
1. _______________
2. _______________
3. _______________
4. _______________
5. _______________
Complete the dialogue with finally, next and after that.
Tea expert: ____________, add boiling water to the pot.
Tea expert: ___________, cover the pot and steep for 2-5 minutes.
Tea expert: ____________, pour it into the cups using a strainer.
Katie: Actually, it sounds kind of difficult!
Do you like cooking? Explain to your lesson partner how to prepare your favorite dish. If you don’t like cooking, explain how to eat your favorite dish.
“First, sit down at the table.” “Then...”
Day6では、副詞を紹介します。副詞はこれまでもPJ1のDay11(Adverbs of frequency)やDay12(Adverbs of manner)でも学んだように名詞以外の語句(主に動詞)を修飾します。first、then、lastlyは一組になって物事の順序を表します。「まず、次いで、最後に」と訳します。
After that:その後
first と似たものには firstly「第一に」、at first 「最初は」、initially 「当初」、for the first time 「始めて」、in the first place 「まず第一に」、at the beginning 「始めに」、in the beginning 「手始めに」があります。
また、then と似たものには next 「次に」、thereafter 「その後」。
Finallyと似たものにはlastly「最後に」、at last 「最後には」、ultimately 「最終的に」、eventually 「最終的に」、for the last time 「それを最後として」、at the end 「遂に」、in the end 「とうとう」、in the long run 「結局は」などがあります。