Noun Clauses
Wandering around on Sunday I came across a promotional event. I don’t know what it was for. I don’t know who they are, but the people in the box were competing for something.

Belle: Can you tell me what’s going on?
Guy watching: I’m not sure what they’re doing. I think that the person who stays inside for the longest time wins.
Belle: Do you know why they’re competing?
Guy: No. I have no idea why they’re in there, but it looks like it’s an electronics shop.
Why are the people in the box?
What do you think they’re competing for?
Noun Clauses
Do you know | who why where |
(she) called you? |
I know I’m not sure I don’t know I have no idea |
(she) called me. |
Make clarifying questions using the following words.
Who? | she is | she works for |
What? | it is | it looks like |
Where? | she lives | she’s from |
Why? | he likes it | we are going |
Complete the dialogue with who, what where why or when.
Belle: When did they start competing?
Guy: I don’t know exactly ____________ , but I think it was last week.
Belle: Last week?! Who’s the sponsor?
Guy: I don’t know _____________ the sponsor is, or ___________ the purpose is, but I wouldn’t want to stay in there for very long!
Discuss the following topics with your lesson partner: The Easter Bunny, Obon, Santa Claus and Halloween.
“Do you know who the Easter Bunny is?”
“I’m not sure who the Easter Bunny is.”
Noun Clauses
[that節] 例1:I think that she forgot calling him.
(私は思う→何を?→彼女が彼に電話するのを忘れたことを。→ 彼女は、彼に電話をするの(すること)を忘れたと思う。)
[what節] 例2:I couldn’t understand what she said.
(私は理解できなかった→何を?→彼女が言ったことを。→ 私は彼女が言ったことを理解できなかった。)
[wh-間接疑問文] 例3:Do you know who that girl is?
例4:I could ask them where the treasure was.
例5:You can decide whether you’re going or not.
例6:I don’t know where the bus goes.
[if/whether節] I wonder whether or not she likes him. / I wonder if she likes him or not.