Adverb Clauses
Today I went for a bike ride with Katie and some of her friends from work. After the ride we were so exhausted and hungry! We had a big meal as soon as we returned home. Later, I told Ted about it.

Ted: Did you get up early?
Belle: Yeah, I was up at six! We all had a big breakfast before setting off.
Ted: Let’s order some pizza!
Belle: OK! As soon as it gets here we can watch my new cooking DVD!
When did they have breakfast?
What did they do as soon as they returned?
Adverb Clauses
Belle did yoga before having breakfast.
Katie called after Belle finished breakfast.
When they met in the morning, they looked at a map.
They ate dinner as soon as they arrived home.
Use before, after, and as soon as to answer the questions below.
Q: When do you have breakfast in the morning?
A: ______________ leaving for work.
Q: When do you have lunch?
A: ______________ I finish my work in the morning.
Q: When do you eat dinner?
A: ______________ I arrive home from work.
Q: When do you have breakfast in the morning?
A: ______________ leaving for work.
Q: When do you have lunch?
A: ______________ I finish my work in the morning.
Q: When do you eat dinner?
A: ______________ I arrive home from work.
Complete the dialogue with after, when and as soon as.
Ted: How was the weather ________ you left?
Belle: It was cool and clear. _______ that it warmed up.
Ted: It sounds tiring but fun.
Belle: It was! I want to go again _______________ I can.
Discuss your favorite movies, TV shows, stories and novels with your lesson partner. What happens? Use before, after, when and as soon as.
Adverb Clauses
Day 3副詞節をご案内します。副詞節は副詞の働きをする節のことです。副詞とは、名詞以外の語句(主に動詞)を修飾する働きがあり程度や様子を表します。
He runs fast. 彼は速く走ります。
この文において、fast は ran という動詞を修飾するので、副詞です。
I’ll stay home, if it rains tomorrow.
“if it rains tomorrow”は stayという動詞を修飾し、S+Vを含む副詞節です。
“if”は「もし雨がふれば」という条件を導く接続詞(従属接続詞)で、主節(中心となる節、ここでは、I’ll stay home)と「従属節」(副詞節)を結びます。
① 時を表す接続詞
「~するとき」‥when ‥「~する前に」‥before
「~したあとに」‥after 「~する間に」‥while 「~するまでに」… till / until
→ When I came home, my son was watching TV.
副詞節 動詞
→ When I came home,
my son was watching TV.
② 条件を表す接続詞
「もし~ならば」… if
→ If it rains tomorrow, I will not go there.