I finally got my first freelance photography job! John’s friend, Sarah, recommended me to her colleague. They liked the photos I took for the Samsung ads that Big Ideas made.

Katie: Congratulations on your first freelance job! I heard that they really liked your photos from the Samsung ads. Who is your client?
Belle: It’s an Italian shoe brand that’s entering the US market. If I get more jobs like this, I will be able to work as an independent photographer.
Katie: Will you be able to do the job and manage your time at Big Ideas?
Belle: No problem! I should be able to pull it off!
Katie: Go for it, Belle!
What’s Belle’s big news?
Why did Sarah’s colleague hire Belle?
noun/pronoun + will/won’t + be able to + verb.
Belle will be able to travel the world as a photographer.
will + noun/pronoun + be able to + verb?
Will she be able to open her own photography gallery?
In the future, I will be able to... | |
speak English fluently. | have my own business. |
Complete the dialogue with will be able to or won’t be able to.
Belle: It should be no problem. I _____________________ work on the weekends, too.
Katie: I guess that means that we _____________________ go out much for a few weeks.
When you learn to speak English fluently, what will you be able to do?
“I will be able to work as a designer in Europe.”
Canの未来will be able to
Day 19では、will be able toを紹介します。まず、be able toですが、これは助動詞can「~することができる」と同じような意味があります。確かに、学生時代be able to = canって勉強しましたよね。
同じ「~することができる」なら、「~することができるだろう」と未来についてその能力や可能性をあらわしたい場合、どうしてwill canと言わず、わざわざwill be able toにしなくてはいけないのでしょうか。
NG:She will can speak English well.
OK:She will be able to speak English well.
では、be able toは助動詞ではないのか?もちろん、助動詞ではありません。be able toは、able「できる」という形容詞がto不定詞で修飾を受けている形で、同じ「できる」という意味でも、それは「気持ち」ではなく「事実」を示しているのです。
したがって、ここからbe able toとcanのニュアンスの違いを理解できます。すなわち、be able toはあくまで事実、助動詞canは気持ち。この違いは、過去の出来事に対して「~できた」と言いたい場合、微妙に違ってきます。「実際にできた」なら、was/were/able to、「やろうと思えばできた」ならcanの過去形couldを使います。
She was able to speak English well. (彼女は実際に上手に英語を話すことができた。)
She could speak English well.(彼女は話そうと思えば上手に英語を話すことができた)