Reported Questions
John’s friend, Sarah, is an aspiring model. He asked me if I would take some photos of her, to help her get started. I was happy to help out. We shot some photos out in New Jersey.

John: I really appreciate the favor, Belle. Sarah asked me if we could go to New Jersey. She wants to take photos in a rural setting.
Belle: No problem. It will be good experience for me. Did she ask you if we would bring lights for interior shots?
John: No, she didn’t. She said she only wanted outdoor photos.
Who is Sarah?
What did Sarah ask John?
Reported Questions
noun/pronoun + asked + what/who/how/why/if + verb.
John asked me if I would take some photos of her.
did noun/pronoun + ask + what/who/how/why/if + verb?
Did John ask you if you would take some photos of her?
Speaking Directly | Reporting |
will | would |
am going to | was going to |
am/are | was/were |
have | had |
Complete the dialogue with what, who, how, why, if or anything.
John: Sarah asked me _______ she should bring with her to New Jersey.
Belle: Tell her to bring a variety of clothes and lots of makeup. I’ll bring the rest. Did she ask you _____________ else?
John: No, she didn’t.
Imagine that you can travel back in time. You just spoke with your great, great grandmother. What did you ask her?
“I asked her where she was born.”
Reported Questions
例1:Where did she go?(彼はどこへ行ったの?)
例2:Did you know where she went? になります。
例3:I don’t know where she went.ですし、
例4:Tell me where she went. になります。
このように間接疑問文は名詞節として働きます。上記の3つの例文では、それぞれ動詞の目的語の役割を担っていましたが、where she wentを主語に配置することもできます。
例5:Where she went is unknown.(彼女がどこに行ったのか知られていない。)
この場合、伝達動詞のsay (to)をask(質問する)、inquire (of)(尋問する)などに変更し、時制を一致させるなどは、直接話法から間接話法に置き換えるルールにしたがって言い換えることになります。もちろん、疑問文は、[疑問詞+主語+動詞…]の形に言い換えましょう。
<平叙文>She said to him, “how can I help you?”
<間接疑問文>She asked him how she could help him.
<平叙文>He said to me, “Where is the 7 Eleven located?”
<間接疑問文>He asked me where the 7 Eleven was located.