The party was a success! In fact, it was a bit wild. We had a live band, enough food and plenty of entertainment. We worked hard to get ready, but everyone had a really good time.

Ted: I’m sorry, Belle, I forgot to pick up some more tequila for the margaritas. Do you think we have enough?
Belle: It’s okay. I think we’ve got plenty.
Ted: Great. Oh no! We don’t have enough cups.
Belle: Katie brought more cups. We should have plenty of them.
Ted & Belle: Cheers!!!!!!!!
How was the party?
What did they have at the party?
have + plenty + noun
We have plenty of space for a big party.
not + have + enough + noun
We don’t have enough chairs.
Food | Drinks | Other stuff |
hors d’ouvres | wine | napkins |
fruit | juice | glasses |
Complete the dialogue with plenty and enough.
Ted: Wow! It looks like we have ____________ of people here!
Belle: No kidding. And more people are coming. Do you think we have ______________ chairs?
Ted: I think we do, but I’m worried that we don’t have ____________ tequila?
Belle: Don’t worry! We have ____________. Let’s do another shot!
Ted: I can’t! I think I’ve had _____________!
You and your lesson partner are planning for a big beach party. Ask and answer questions about what you have and what you need.
“Do we have enough firewood?” “We have plenty of firewood, but we don’t have enough sunscreen.”
Plenty and Enough
Day12では、plentyとenoughを紹介します。どちらも、「必要に足りるだけ十分な」というニュアンスで、PJ1から学習した人は、Day3の”many”、”much“、”a lot of”とセットで学ぶと良いでしょう。
復習となりますが、many, much, a lot ofともに「たくさんの」という意味ですが、many は可算名詞に、much は不可算名詞に対して、a lot ofは可算・不可算問わずOK。
一方、本日学ぶplentyは、しばしばplenty of~という形をとって、「more than enough: 必要以上に十分な~」というニュアンスになります。「たっぷり」という日本語で捉えるとしっくりそのニュアンスをつかむことができるでしょう。
a lot ofの「たくさんの」という意味とはは微妙にニュアンスが異なります。なお、こちらも可算・不可算問わずに使えます。
例1:There is no need to hurry. We’ve got plenty of time.
例2:He has no financial problems. He’s got plenty of money.
1. 形容詞として
例3:We don’t have enough chairs. (私たちは十分な椅子がありません。)
2. 副詞として
例4:He was kind enough to show me the way to the hospital.
3. 名詞として
例5:We have more than enough.