Superatives: MOST, LEAST, -EST, IEST
My work colleagues invited me out to a brewpub to watch the soccer game yesterday. I don’t really follow soccer, but I had the best time! My friend Ted is the most enthusiastic so he was happy to explain it to me.

Belle: Is Brazil the best team now?
Ted: Brazil is often the most dominant team, but Italy seems to be the strongest recently.
Belle: Is France the most aggressive?
Ted: So far, yes.
Belle: Who do you think is the fastest player?
Ted: Ronaldo is probably the fastest.
Everybody: GOOOOOOOOOAL!!!!!!
Where did Belle go yesterday?
Who’s the happiest about the goal?
Who’s the most upset?
Superlatives: MOST, LEAST, -EST, -IEST
New York is the most exciting city in the world.
These are the least expensive shoes in the store.
She’s the fastest runner on the team.
Is Orlando Bloom the coolest actor in Hollywood?
August | is the | hottest | month. | |
Chocolate | most delicious | dessert. | ||
Ted: Which sport is the _____________ (exciting) for you, Belle?
Belle: I was a benchwarmer in high school.
Katie: Don’t listen to her, Ted. Belle was the ___________ (good) tennis player in her class.
Ted: You’re being modest, Belle!
Belle: Well, I don’t know if I was the ___________________ (talented), but I think I worked the _______________ (hard).
Who’s the best? Who’s the worst? Describe people you know about.
“My brother is the funniest person I know.”
musicians - athletes - actors - film directors - artists - friends family members
Superatives: MOST, LEAST, -EST, IEST
例1:He is the youngest of the five brothers.(彼は5人兄弟の中で一番若いです。)
例2:Tokyo is the largest city in the world.(東京は世界で一番大きな都市です。)
much、by far、veryを入れることで最上級を強めることができます。
例3:Tokyo is by far the most attractive city in the world.
one of the+最上級+名詞複数形(最も~な1つ)
例4:Bill Gates is one of the richest men in the world.
例5:Osaka is the second biggest cities in Japan.