Future Progressive: WILL + BE + verb + ING
Katie’s cousin, Greg, will be visiting New York this week. She set me up on a blind date with him. He will be staying on the Upper East Side, so I suggested that we meet at the Met.

Katie: Belle, what will you be doing this Thursday evening?
Belle: I have no plans. Why?
Katie: Do you remember my cousin Greg? He’ll be coming in from Seattle this week on business. How about a date with him?
Belle: What?! Uhhh...
Katie: C’mon, I told you about him before. He’s a great guy!
Belle: Wait! Now I remember. Is he the guy who will be working for Tribeca Films next year?
Katie: Uh-huh!
Who’s coming in to town this week?
What did Katie do?
What are Belle and Greg going to do?
Future Progressive: WILL + BE + verb +-ING
Katie will be busy working on Thursday evening.
She’ll be getting off late.
Where will Greg and Belle be meeting on Thursday evening?
In July I will be wearing | In December I will be wearing |
sunglasses. | a white scarf. |
a summer dress. | leather boots. |
Complete the dialogue using the future progressive (-ING).
Belle: Where _____________ (you/staying)?
Greg: On the Upper East Side.
Belle: Okay. Why don’t we meet on the steps of the Met on Fifth Avenue at 82nd Street?
Greg: Good idea. How will I find you?
Belle: I ___________________ (wear) red shoes.
Greg: Ha! Okay. I _______________________ (sport) a dark suit.
Ask your lesson partner what she/he will be doing tomorrow, this weekend, next week, next month, next year and in ten years. Then, answer your lesson partner’s questions.
“What will you be doing this evening?”
Future Progressive: WILL + BE + verb + ING
① 未来のある時点での一時的動作「~しているだろう」
例えば、I will study at 9 a.m. tomorrow. 「明日朝9時に勉強するよ」は、その場で決めた意志が感じられますが、実際に明日勉強しているのかどうか、その見通しが立っているわけではありません。しかし、進行形を伴ってI will be studying at 9 a.m. tomorrow.とすると、実際に明日の朝の9時に勉強しているニュアンスが加わります。「明日の朝9時には勉強しているだろう」といった感じです。
未来進行形の形は、進行形「be動詞+動詞のing形」に未来形を表すwillを付けて「will + be + 動詞のing形」となります。willの後ろは動詞の原形ですので、未来進行形で用いるbe動詞は必ず原形のbeになります(am、are、is等なりません)。
例1:I will be studying at 3p.m. tomorrow.
② 自然な成り行き(無意志未来)
例2:We will be stopping at Shin Osaka in a few minutes.