Past Progressive: WAS + Verb + -ING
I had to show Katie my new shoes because I wasn’t sure if I really liked them. We also talked about my old friend, Brian.

Katie: Cool shoes, Belle!
Belle: You really like them? When I bought them I was wondering if they were too bright.
Katie: Yeah, can I try them on? What a coincidence that you saw your old friend, too.
Belle: Strange, isn’t it? It’s hard to believe that he’s a fireman now. The last time I saw him, he was wearing his hat backwards.
Katie: Ha! I guess he was keeping current with fashion.
Who are Katie and Belle talking about?
Since when have Belle and Brian known each other?
Has Brian changed since high school?
Past Progressive: WAS + Verb + -ING
At 7:00, Katie was eating dinner with Belle.
Everyone was wearing polyester and denim in the 70’s.
I was studying when you called.
Were you studying when I called?
In high school, I was... | |
listening to pop music. | working part-time. |
playing tennis. | hanging out with friends. |
Complete the dialogue with was, were and the –ing form of the verb.
Belle: What ________ you __________ (wear) back in high school, Katie?
Katie: Don’t ask. You don’t want to know. How about you?
Belle: I _______________ (explore) London with my camera, so I _________________ (wear) sneakers, mostly.
Katie: _______ Brian really ________ (buy) Jimmy Choo shoes when you saw him yesterday?
Belle: Yes, he was! I couldn’t believe it!
Talk with your lesson partner about what you were doing at the following times: when you were a child/in junior high school/in high school.
“When I was a child, I was riding my bike everywhere.”
Past Progressive: WAS + Verb + -ING
Day 16では、過去進行形(進行形を伴った過去の表現)を紹介します。Day3では、未来進行形(未来の場面の進行形の表現)を学びましたが、今回は、それが過去の場面だとイメージして下さい。まず、進行形の形を思い出しましょう。(良い機会ですので、Day3の未来進行形も併せて復習しましょう。
She is waiting for the taxi.(彼女はタクシーを待っている)[現在進行形] She was waiting for the taxi.(彼女はタクシーを待っていた)[過去進行形]
例1:She was not waiting for the taxi. (彼女はタクシーを待っていない。)
例2:Was she waiting for the taxi? (彼女はタクシーを待っているの?)
例3:What was she waiting for?(彼女は何を待っていたの?)
未来進行形…will be + -ing(~しているだろう)