Present Perfect with SINCE and FOR
I’ve needed new shoes for a while, so on my way back from work yesterday I stopped at Jimmy Choo on Madison Avenue. To my surprise, I ran into Brian, an old friend from high school in London.

Belle: Brian...?
Brian: Belle, is that you?!
Belle: What a coincidence! I haven’t seen you for ages!
Brian: It’s been since high school, hasn’t it? You look great, Belle.
Belle: Thanks Brian. You haven’t aged a bit since I last saw you.
Brian: What have you been up to?
Who did Belle run into?
Since when have Belle and Brian known each other?
Present Perfect with SINCE and FOR
We have known each other since elementary school.
I have played the guitar for ten years.
Has he been here since seven o’clock?
be --- been | live --- lived |
play --- played | study --- studied |
Complete the dialogue using have, for and since.
Belle: What __________ you done __________ high school?
Brian: Well, I __________ lived in New York __________ five years now. Do you remember that I _________ wanted to be a firefighter __________ I was a kid?
Belle: Yes, I do.
Brian: Well, I _________ worked as a firefighter in New York _______ four years now and I really like it.
Belle: Fantastic!
Talk with your lesson partner about what you have done and how long you have done it.
“I have been reading a book for a week.”
“How long have you played the piano?”
studied English – known your friend – worked at your job
Present Perfect with SINCE and FOR
現在完了形(since / for)
復習となりますが、現在完了形には「継続」「完了・結果」「経験」の3種類があり、どのパターンの現在完了形かによって、それぞれ、訳の仕方が違ってきます。Day7では、already / yetと組み合わせた「完了・結果」、Day8はever / neverと組み合わせた「経験」、そして、本日Day14はsince / for と組み合わせでの「継続」と結びつくsinceとforを使った表現を学びましょう。
★have(has) + 過去分詞+ for~ 「~の間(ずっと)~している」
★have(has) + 過去分詞+since~ 「~以来(または、~から)(ずっと)~している」
例1:You have been in America for a year.
例2:She has studied English since last summer.
PJ3のDay16に同じく継続的意味を伝えるPresent Perfect Progressive(現在完了進行形)を学びます。