Simple Present Tense: WANT, WANT TO and WANT YOU TO
I was nervous when my boss asked me to come in to her office this morning. I expected a lecture about being late for my presentation, but I was surprised by what she said.

Boss: Thanks for coming in, Belle. Have a seat.
Belle: I want to apologize again for...
Boss: Forget about that. We’re going forward with your ad idea and we need to find a location for the photo shoot.
Belle: Okay...
Boss: I want you to go up to Cape Cod next week, scout some locations and take some test photos.
How did Belle feel about going in to talk with her boss?
What does Belle’s boss want her to do?
Simple Present Tense: WANT, WANT TO, WANT YOU TO
I want a promotion at Big Ideas.
I want to invite Katie to come with me to Cape Cod.
Your boss wants you to come back with some good ideas.
I want... | I want to... | I want --- to --- |
a raise. | impress my boss. | her/promote me. |
a new car. | test drive the new BMW. | it/be fast. |
Complete the dialogue using want and want to.
Belle: Thanks for coming along, Katie.
Katie: Are you kidding? I don’t ____________ miss your first location scouting trip!
Belle: Okay. I _________ a good shot of that pier. I ______ you to go stand at the end and look out toward the sea.
Katie: Do you ___________ me to take Leon?
Belle: No. I __________ him to stay here with me.
Katie: Got it.
Leon: ...
You’re the boss. Tell you lesson partner what you want her/him to do.
“I want you to teach me a tongue-twister.”
want, want to, want you toの使い分け(to不定詞)
Day13では、want you to~を紹介します。これと似た表現としては、would like to~(PJ1 – Day4)やwant to~(PJ1 – Day19)を学んできましたが、want you to~という形は、「youに~して欲しい」という意味になります。
まず、want to~の考え方を学びましょう。
例1:I want a new car. (私は新しい車が欲しい。)
例2:I want to buy a new car. (私は新しい車を買いたい。)
どのように用いられるかは、例文のどこに配置されるかによって決まります。すなわち、例文のto buy a new carは、want「~を欲しい」という動詞の後ろに置かれて「~」にあたる箇所を「新しい車を買うこと」で埋めているので、名詞的用法として考えられるというわけです(ここでは、want to~を「~したい」と覚えてしまえばいいでしょう)。
したがって、同じto buy a new carでも、I went to the shop to buy a new car.となれば、「私はお店に行った→(何のためかといえば・・・)→新しい車を買うために」」となるので、副詞用法として考えればいいということになります。
また、似た形で、「would like+目的語(人)+不定詞」という使い方もあります。
例3:I want a new car. (私は新しい車が欲しい。)
例4:I want to buy a new car. (私は新しい車を買いたい。)
例5:I want you to buy a new car.
不定詞を使う2つ目と3つ目の例文はwantを例would likeに置き換えることもできます。
例6:I would like to buy a new car.
例7:I would like you to buy a new car.
また疑問文にする場合はwould likeを使った場合は可能です。
例8:Would you like me to buy a new car?