WOULD LIKE with Nouns
Katie would like to find an internet café that she read about in a magazine. She asked me if I would like to come along.

Barista: What would you like?
Belle: What do you recommend?
Barista: The cappuccino is really good.
Belle: Okay. I would like that, please.
Barista: And for you?
Katie: I would like a caffè latte, please.
What would Belle like?
Would Katie like a caffè mocha?
WOULD LIKE with Nouns
I + like + noun.
I like coffee. = Coffee tastes good!
I + would like + noun.
I would like a caffè latte, please.
Quick Review: WOULD LIKE with Verbs
I + would like + to verb.
I would like to order.
Would + you + like + to verb?
Would you like to order?
Cappuccino | Herbal Tea | Scone |
Caffè Latte | Black Tea | Muffin |
Caffè Mocha | Iced Tea | Brownie |
Espresso | Juice | Sandwich |
Complete the dialogue using would and like .
Barista: ____________ you ______ that for here or to go?
Katie: For here, please.
Barista: _________ you __________ to try our new scone?
Belle: What’s in it?
Barista: It has blueberries and walnuts in it.
Belle: Sounds good! I _________________ that, please.
Order at a café. Ask about the menu.
“What do you recommend?”
“What’s in it? “
“I would like...”
WOULD LIKE with Nouns(WOULD LIKE TO with Verbs)
Would like (+名詞)の組み合わせ
Day 7では、Would like +「名詞」を紹介します。Day 4で学んだ Would like to + 動詞の原型も復習しましょう。Would like +「名詞」の意味としては、「(その名詞)が欲しい」という意味になります。
例1: I would like a green salad.
例2: Would you like some more tea?
例3: I would like a coffee (some coffee)
ヒント :
coffeeやteaは不可算名詞ですので、理屈的には「a (an)」をつけませんが、慣習的にお店などでは「1杯のコーヒー」という意味でつけることができます。また、一般的に不可算名詞を数える場合には「a cup of」「a glass of」「a bottle of」を使います。「a cup of coffee (two cups of coffee)」、「a glass of wine (two glasses of wine)」、「a bottle of beer (two bottles of beer)」など、名詞は原形に留めておきます。