WANT and NEED with Nouns
Next week a big photographer from Paris will visit my ad agency, Big Ideas. I’ll show him around New York, so I need to brush up my French. I’ll talk with my boss about it.

Boss: Belle, Nicolas doesn’t speak English well. How is your French?
Belle: It’s not bad, but I want to review it.
Boss: Do you need to take some French lessons before he arrives?
Belle: Yes, but there isn’t much time! I need to enroll in an intensive course.
Boss: Do you need anything?
Belle: Yes. I need some books for the class.
What does Belle need to do?
What does Belle need for her French class?
WANT and NEED with Nouns
I want a new camera.
I want good friends.
I need a toothbrush.
I don’t need cable tv.
WANT and NEED with Verbs
I want to order dessert.
I need to drink some water.
On my next day off, I would like to...
I want... | I need... |
to see a French film. | to study hard. |
a French DVD. | a new French dictionary. |
some French magazines. | some time off work. |
Complete the dialogue with want and need.
Boss: What kind of books do you want?
Belle: I ____________ a French dictionary and a textbook.
Boss: No problem. Do you __________ some time off work for your French class?
Belle: I think so. I ____________ to check the course information.
Boss: Fine, just let me know.
You’re getting ready for a 2-month trip around the world. What do you need to do? What do you want to bring?
“I need to buy some maps and some guidebooks.”
“I want to bring my camera.”
WANT and NEED with Nouns / Verbs
Day6では、want(欲しい)とneed(必要とする)+名詞、もしくは、want to/need to+動詞を紹介します。
まず、want/need+名詞では、今までに学習した肯定文・否定文・疑問文+some, anyの使い分けを学びます。
また、Day4では少し固めにwould like to+動詞の原型を学びましたが、want/need to+動詞原の型も同様に使います。
例1: I need some milk.(I need to drink some milk.)
例2: I want some cookies. (I want to eat some cookies.)