I am interested in Italian art, so I would like to find a book on it. Katie has the day off, so we’re going to a bookstore I know. After that, we don’t have any plans.

Belle: Katie, look at this book. It’s beautiful.
Katie: Are you going to buy it?
Belle: I would like to have it, but it’s too expensive.
Katie: Would you like to keep looking?
Belle: Yes, I think so. There are so many books here I would like to read. I want to buy all of them!
What would Belle like to do?
Does Katie have to work today?
I would like to buy a magazine.
She would like to have a bagel for breakfast.
Would you like to go on a picnic?
Would he like to have lunch at noon?
What would you like to do?
On my next day off, I would like to...
sleep in. | go to a park. | do housework. |
see a movie. | go running. | be lazy. |
watch TV. | visit a museum. | listen to the radio. |
Complete the dialogue with would like to.
Belle: What ______________ you ______________ do now?
Katie: I _______________ do something active. ___________ you _______________ take a walk in Central Park?
Belle: Great idea! I ___________________ see some famous statues there.
You and your lesson partner are going overseas for a week. Plan your trip together. Suggest museums, restaurants, shopping, cafes, and other tourist attractions.
“Would you like to visit the Louvre?”
would like to(+動詞の原型)の使い方
Day4では「何かが欲しい」、「何かをしたい」の意味のwould like toを学びます。
同じ意味で、Day 6に出てくるwant toがありますが、少し幼い感じがしますのでwould like to(+動詞の原型)を使いましょう。
例1: I want to have a coffee. (コーヒーを飲みたいな。)
例2: I’d like to have a coffee.(コーヒーをいただきたいのですが。)
職場やレストランなどで少し固く話したい時には、would like toを使います。上記の文は、レストランで食後のコーヒーを飲みたい時に使います。