b わたしの英会話 - マンツーマン英会話スクール
Table of Contents  >  DAY EIGHTEEN
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Simple Past Tense

My friend John is a movie director and he showed his film at the International Documentary Film Festival last night. It was a success! After the film, the critics asked a lot of questions.

day 18

Critic: Did you have any challenges when you made the film?

John: Yes, we had many problems, but the crew worked hard.

Critic: What did you learn from the experience?

John: I learned that nature is beautiful and sometimes dangerous.

Let’s Talk About It

Where did Belle go last night?

What did John learn when he made the film?

The Scoop

Simple Past Tense

Did + he + verb?

Did he go to Alaska?

What + did + he + verb?

What did he do?

What + was/were + noun?

What was his idea?

He + was/were + adjective/noun.

He was a movie director.

Was/were + he + adj/noun?

Was he happy with the film?

He + verb.

He showed the film.

Tools: Discussing the Past

Complete the chart with the past tense verb.

Regular Verbs Irregular Verbs
listen do 
watch is 
wait go 

Complete the dialogue using the simple past tense.

Belle: John, the critics _________ (love) it. Congratulations! _______ (be) you nervous?

John: Not really. The questions ____________ (be) good.

Belle: ___________ (do) you expect so many people to attend?

John: No. It ____________ (surprise) me!

Your Turn

Tell your lesson partner about a past vacation.

“I went to Paris and I saw the Eiffel Tower. It was amazing!”

Day 18 :
Simple Past Tense






過去形は殆ど動詞の後ろに”ed”をつければOK。これをRegular Verbs(規則動詞)といい、(visit⇒visited)等があります。また、これ以外に、Irregular Verbs(不規則動詞)と呼ばれるものがあり、(do⇒did)等があります。これらは、教科書に詳しく書かれていますのでレッスン・パートナーと一緒に学んで行きましょうね。