On Saturday I’m going to visit an open house at an art gallery in the East Village. At this event, visitors can meet and talk with the artists.

Belle: I really like those colors. Are you going to show your work in New York soon?
Artist: Yes. But first, I’m going to show this painting in Mexico City.
Belle: Oh, I’d like to see it when it’s finished.
Artist: Why don’t you come and see the exhibition in Mexico City?
Belle: Well, I won’t go to Mexico, but I will go to the event in New York. It’s much more convenient.
Where is Belle going on Saturday?
Where will the artist show his work?
Promises / Decisions made at the present time: Will
Future plans: Be Going To
Will + you + verb?
Will you call me?
When + Will + you + verb?
When Will you call me?
I + Will + verb?
I Will call you tonight.
be + he + going to + verb?
Is he going to visit Madrid?
When + be + he + going to verb?
When is he going to visit Madrid?
He + be + going to + verb.
He is going to visit next month.
I’m going to visit........
I’m going to..........next weekend.
I’m not going to.............. on vacation.
(at work) I will send............
(at work) I won’t be.............
(at home) I won’t clean...........
Complete the dialogue with will and going to.
Belle: When are you _________________ show your work in New York?
Artist: The exhibition is from August 4th to the 8th and I’m _______ be there on the 7th.
Belle: Perfect! How can I get more information about the event?
Artist: Please check the website. I _____ give you the address.
Tell your lesson partner about your plans for this week.
“I’m going to take four lessons at b!”
“I’m not going to attend the drinking party on Friday.”
willとbe going toの違い
Day17では、willとbe going toを紹介します。学生時代を思い出すと、両者はほぼ同義的に「~するつもり」という意味で教わりましたが、少しだけニュアンスが異なるので注意しましょう。実は簡単そうなトピックながら、学術的に細かな議論がされる内容で、そこまで深く掘り下げると大変ですので、一般的に言われるニュアンスをまとめてみました。
例1: I’ll go to the movie theater tomorrow.
例2: I am going to the movie theater tomorrow.
be going to・・・これに対して、be going to~は、以前からその内容が決まっていたり、話し手の意志とは関係なく起きる客観的な場面で多く使われます。to以下の動作・状態に向かって(=going)いる(=be)と捉えるとイメージしやすいです。