Tag Archives: 英会話

クジラの島の少女“Whale Rider”


Do you know about Maori culture (of the native people of New Zealand)?
I didn’t know much, so that’s why I found this movie so informative,
in addition to its beautiful storyline! (It also brought back fond
memories of the year I lived in Kiribati, another country known for
its rich culture centered around the ocean.)



*Whale Rider* is a very sad story, surrounded by tragic loss and
family tensions, but has a happy ending. The main character, Pai
(short for Paikea – named after the legendary whale rider) struggles
to gain acceptance from her grandfather, who is convinced his people
are doomed because Pai was born a girl (please see the movie for more
explanation). In the end, Pai shows how beautiful a spirit she has,
and her determination ends up helping her people in a surprising way!



Anyway, when the tragedy occurs in the beginning of the movie, the
grandfather says “What’s done is done.” This expression is used when
nothing can be done about a bad situation. The event is in the past
and can’t be changed. Japanese people often use the expression “Shou
ga nai” in this kind of situation.

さて、映画の冒頭部分、悲劇が起こった時、族長が「What’s done is done」と言うんだけど、この言い回しは、よくない事が起こった時、もう出来ることは何もない。という様な時に使うの。その出来事が起こってしまった、そしてもう結果を変えることが出来ない。というような時ね。日本人は、よくこんな時「しょうがない」と言うわね。


I don’t want to say more because I don’t want to ruin the movie for
you. Please see it if you haven’t already, especially if you love the
ocean like me!



Stay cool!




b わたしの英会話が運営する恋と仕事に効く英語執筆チームです。スクールで勤務するカウンセラー、外国人講師、そして、その他スタッフがお客様サポートを通じて「あ、このフレーズ使える!」「これって英語でなんていうんだろう?」と疑問に思ったことを記事を通じて解説しています。