The trailer for the Adjustment Bureau looks like a Thriller cut from the
same cloth as Minority Report or the Matrix. The cleverly cut advertisement sequences seem to set the stage for lots of running, hiding ,explosions and firepower all of it set to a backdrop of one man's defiance of control, and perhaps a side exploration of the age old question of free-will.
This Trailer is a little misleading. There is a lot of running, and some hiding, and maybe one explosion, and like the Matrix this movie does feature one man against a Mysterious Powerful Organization(staffed by Frank Sinatra look alikes, who wear Fedora's and carry funny Notebooks), but a few minutes into the movie and I already knew who the Bad Guys were and more importantly I wasn't worried about them at all, actually they seemed kinda nice.
So if this movie looks like an action thriller but isn't, then what is it?
Hmm, hard question to answer. Maybe I should just tell you about it and you can decide.
The Movie's main character is an up and coming young politician who's career hits a roadblock when embarrassing photos of him become public. At precisely that moment he meets and falls in love with Emily Blunt. Little does he realize the super secret 1950esque Bad Guys do not want this relationship to happen(For reasons which are eventually explained).
He soon meets these unusual bad guys who turn out to be more like Government Bureaucrats then the edgy tough guys you expected. These Bad Guys work for a secret organization called the Adjustment Bureau which is headed by an even more mysterious King Pin known as the Chairman. This Chairman is the author
of a plan, which turns out to be a plan of each human's life course. Everybody must stick to the plan, and if they don't the nice agents try to push them back into line or readjust them.
The movie gets pretty predictable after this, of course the plan does not
include Mr.Damon's new romance and so he is instructed to drop it. He
refuses and this sets off a cycle of running and hiding which ends somewhat dramatically high atop a building in NYC.
I can't tell you anymore without spoiling the movie. But probably you want
to know, Should I see it or not?
Well here's my opinion. The movie has many weakpoints. The bad guys are not scary,the sci-fi part of the story isn't fully explained, and the questions which the movie raises, such as do we really control our lives?,are never answered.
On the other, the movie is very classy. The cast is made up of great actors
and actresses who do not disappoint. Matt Damon and E.Blunt are just fun to watch as they act their way through scenes that might be otherwise dull or boring.
Like an old classic this movie features a lot of dialogue, which is well
written and delivered. Also like an old classic this movie features a lot of riveting scenery. The Adjustment Bureau agents have the ability to open
doors and go to almost anywhere they choose which makes for a fun and
interesting tour around NYC.
And like an old classic in the end you feel happy, maybe a little confused
too, but mostly happy.
So if those sound like things you like then this movie is for you.