Hello everyone!
Did you try my edible cookie dough idea from a little while ago?
Since then I have been using a lot of new recipes, my recent favorite being a super easy pizza one!
In Japanese, the pronunciation of the word “ピザ” is quite different from the English, pizza (PEET-zah/PIIT-zah), so please be careful because people might not understand the Japanese pronunciation.
日本語では「ピザ」と発音するけれど英語では”pizza” (PIITーzah:「ピーツァ」) とだいぶ違うので、日本語発音では通じづらいので気をつけましょう。
pizza:発音はpíːtsə(米国英語), ˈpi:tsʌ(英国英語)です
Continuing to the recipe:
・1 and 1/3 cups (320ml) warm water (between 38-43°C):ぬるま湯(38-43°Cぐらい):1と1/3カップ(320ml)
・2 and 1/4 teaspoons instant yeast(1 standard packet):インスタント酵母:小さじ2と1/4(個包装ひとつ分)
・1/2 Teaspoon (2g) of Baking Powder:ベーキングパウダー:小さじ1/2(2g)の
・1 Tablespoon (13g) granulated sugar:グラニュー糖:大さじ1(13g)
・2 Tablespoons (30ml) olive oil:オリーブオイル:大さじ2(30ml)
・3/4 teaspoon salt:塩:小さじ3/4
・3 and 1/2 cups (450g) all-purpose flour:中力粉:3と1/2カップ(450g)
・plus more for hands and surface:打ち粉用を別に用意する (強力粉でも大丈夫です)
・sprinkle of cornmeal(as you like): コーンミール(お好みで)
1,Mix the yeast, sugar, and warm water in a bowl, cover and let it rest for about 5 minutes.
2,Then, in the same bowl, mix in the flour, salt, baking powder, and olive oil and stir until it looks doughy.
3,After that, using the same bowl, cover all of the surface with more olive oil and then coat the dough with it as well.
4,Cover the bowl with a big plate or a clean kitchen towel as a lid and let the dough rise at room temperature for 1 hour to 1 hour and a half, or until the dough becomes twice the size as it was.
5.While you shape the pizza, set your oven to 246 degrees (C) (please don’t worry about preheating if you are using a toaster oven).
6.Some chefs recommend preheating one’s oven for baking, but in order to conserve electricity and help the environment, please don’t worry about this. I have successfully made pizza using my toaster oven many times without preheating it.
Now to the fun part: toppings!:お楽しみはここから!トッピング!
My favorite toppings are:
-pizza sauce (of course) :ピザソース(必ずね)
-mozzarella cheese (parmesan is optional in my opinion: モッツァレラチーズ(パルメザンチーズでもいいと思います)
-Homemade Italian sausage(recipe coming up in the next blog! : 手作りイタリアンソーセージ(次回のブログにレシピを載せるね!)
-green peppers:ピーマン
-mushrooms (white, brown, or any other kind):マッシュルーム(白いのでもブラウンのでも大丈夫です)
7,Spread olive oil over a baking sheet (with some cornmeal if you like the texture), put the pizza on it, and put it in the oven for 12 to 15 minutes.
8,If you have an oven rack with many rungs (so the pizza doesn’t fall through) (and if you really want to be careful, you can freeze the pizza crust beforehand), you can put the pizza directly on the rack instead of on a baking sheet.
This will make the crust a lot crispier (but it might take less time to bake, so please be careful).
Then, you’re done! Please wait for the pizza to cool a little and enjoy!
Please let me know if you try the recipe or have any similar ideas!
I’ll show some of my pictures of the recipe’s results with all of you during lessons! Looking forward to seeing you then!
Original Recipe’s Website:
Youtube Video:
Pizza Dough | Sally’s Baking Addiction