マンツーマン英会話スクール 「b わたしの英会話」による新連載。マーケティング、経営戦略、ファイナンスなど、ビジネススクールのクラス討議に英語で参加するとしたら・・・。具体的な場面を想定して、よく使われる便利な表現や間違いやすいポイントを、ネイティブスピーカーが徹底伝授。
Teacher: Accounting is broadly split into two forms, firstly “Financial Accounting” which is intended to reflect the company’s performance and is aimed at shareholders and other external parties and then secondly there is “Management Accounting” which is used in internal operational-decision making.
The “Financial Statements” which make up the report used in “Financial Accounting” consist of the following three documents, the P/L Statement with “P/L” standing for “profit” and “loss”, the B/S with “B/S” standing for “balance sheet” and the Cash Flow Statement.
Today, I would like us to look at and compare the financial statements of two companies, Company A and Company B, both of which operate drug store chains. Differences in their figures will reveal differences of strategy. Please don’t 【1.hesitate】to raise anything of interest at random that you notice.
A: In 【2.comparison】 with Company A, the increase in Company B’s fixed assets is notable. From the company’s inception, they have been increasing at a very fast pace. There are three branches of Company B’s lone in the station I use and you can see that the pace with which new branches are opening up is 【3.picking up】.
B: The pace at which new branches are opening seems fast when taking the sales volume into 【4.consideration】. I wonder how capital is being raised?
C: Maybe the secret lies in the way that they are laying in stock. Looking at Company A’s balance sheet we can see that the volume of accounts payable is large. By increasing the number of branches opened, the volume of stock also increases which enables companies to negotiate longer repayments terms with the manufacturers.
This, I think, enables them to increase the volume of working capital.
Teacher: Excellent point. So, how about Company B’s financial statement then?
A: Compared to Company A, the fact that inventory 【5.turnover】 is ten times higher stands out. I wonder if they are not improving sales efficiency by among other things accurately predicting their customers demand requirements.
B: In comparison with Company A, the ratio of sales to operating costs is also high. Perhaps they are strengthening their sales team through increases in staff numbers and improvements in quality.
C: Yes, I have been to branches of Company B and comparatively they 【Point】do have more high-class product lines and the sales staff do indeed explain the products politely…
Teacher: …At first glance, financial statements look daunting and unapproachable and you may feel them to be difficult. However, the data they contain is more accurate than qualitative data. Furthermore, the data always appears in the same format, and so it is easy to make comparisons with competitors and to verify information in chronological order.
So don’t give up without trying and to begin with please get your hands on some financial statements from various companies to analyze.
1. don’t hesitate to (phrase)
「don’t hesitate to」は、日常的なビジネスシーンで、よく使われる表現です。「遠慮せずに」とか、「気軽に」という意味合いで、使い方は「feel free to」と一緒です。「don’t hesitate to」は、「If~(もし○○だったら)」という文面の後に置かれることが多く、これに続く形で、「連絡してください」「メールしてください」などといったメッセージが入ります。
If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
If you would like any help, please don’t hesitate to ask.
If you would like to arrange an appointment, please don’t hesitate to give us a ring.
2. in comparison with (phrase)
「in comparison with A」で、「Aに比べて」という意味。「compared to」という言い方をすることもあります。
In comparison with last year, sales are up considerably.
Sales are up considerably compared to last year.
In comparison with our competitors, our market penetration rate is low.
Our market penetration rate is low compared to our competitors.
3. pick up(動詞)
「pick up」は、「(郵便物や荷物などを)集める」「(お客を)拾う」など、様々に訳されますが、ここでは(生産や販売、経済などが)「好転している」「向上している」「ペースが上がっている」と、ポジティブな意味で使っています。
Our results are picking up after a bad start to the year.
Productivity in Europe is finally picking up after many years of stagnation.
Q. How is business?
Q. 会社の調子はどうですか?
A. It’s picking up.
A. 少し良くなっています。
4. take ~ into consideration
「take ~ into consideration」で、「考慮する」の意味になります。使い方は以下の通り。
Taking your skills into consideration, I think the London posting is perfect for you.
Taking our finances into consideration, realistically I don’t think we can afford such a large marketing campaign.
5. turnover (名詞)
Fast turnover is one of the keys to profitability in the fast food industry.
I think high staff turnover is becoming a real problem.
I do agree.
Q. What is the reason for their success.
Q. その会社は、どうして順調なのでしょう?
A. They do have a better product.
A. 彼らは確かに良い商品を持っていますからね(理由はそこにありますよ!)
I do do my work properly.
Q. Did you meet him?
A. I did meet him but we weren’t able to talk for very long.
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