MBAビジネス英会話 第3回 The AIDA Model in the Sports Drink Marketing(1)

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Teacher: Today I would like to take a certain sports drink as an example and use it to think about communication strategies. This sports drink contains new ingredients which are believed to assist in 【1.回復】 from tiredness. The drink’s makers have wheeled out the manager of a popular baseball team in wall to wall commercials but are 【2.~に苦労する】 growing sales.
A: Is this product aimed at sports players? If that is the case, then wouldn’t it be more effective to place advertisements in specialist sports magazines rather than in the mass media. Even if they do run commercials on TV, I think it would be better for them to concentrate on sports related programs.
B: The package design is not so good. A stylish design is being used for the bottle, but if sports players are the target then I think a design which conveys more of a refreshing feeling would be better.
C: But is the target of this product really just sports players? Although called a “sports drink”, if we can expect to feel reinvigorated, wouldn’t, for example, business people with a lot of overtime or students preparing for exams also be suitable targets?
Teacher: That’s a good point. As far as I understand, the maker of the drink is not trying to 【3.~の区別をする】 sports players, business people and exam students but is trying to target people as a whole who are feeling fatigued. To that end, in the TV commercials as well, a number of variations have been prepared, with the baseball manager appearing in a number of forms; a business suit, sports uniform and so on.
By way of reference, in a survey conducted by the makers of the drink among men and women with ages ranging from teenagers to people in their fifties, over seventy percent of respondents knew that the drink contained new ingredients which could help reinvigorate the drinker. Furthermore, of those over seventy percent, over thirty percent said that they would be “Interested in Buying” the product. It’s clear that many people, whether sports players, business people or otherwise, are saying they want to buy the product.
C: So perhaps there is a problem with the sales channel. For example, I think busy business people may not make the trip to the supermarket. Perhaps opportunities are being lost as there is insufficient choice of sales channels.
Teacher: I think there is a good chance of that being true. I would like you to recall that we have the “AIDA” model which describes the changes in psychology and attitude which occur on the route to the consumer making a purchase. First of all the consumer becomes aware of the existence of the product which is known as the “Attention” phase. In the second phase, the consumer develops an “Interest” in the product.
The consumer then comes to “Desire” the product in the third phase, and finally moves on to buying the product, the so called “Action” phase. The implication of this is that, in order to get the consumer to buy, we must 【4.方法を採る】 appropriate for the stage the consumer is currently at.
In terms of this case, with people who are feeling tired, the message from the drink maker is getting through. From the results of the survey, we can see that the communication strategy has succeeded in leading the consumer through the phases of “Attention”, “Interest” and “Desire” but has failed to then link that success to the final stage of “Action”.
In this way, it is important when thinking of a promotional plan, to identify at what exact stage the consumer is in the purchasing process. If you forget to do this, then it is easy to make wrong decisions such as in this case to increase the number of TV commercials when in fact the problem 【5.(責任などが)所在する】 elsewhere.

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