MBAビジネス英会話 第1回 “House of Brands” and “Branded House”(1)

マンツーマン英会話スクール 「b わたしの英会話」による新連載。


講師:企業がブランドを運営・管理する【1.戦略】は大別して二つある。「House of Brands」と呼ばれるモデルと、「Branded House」と呼ばれるモデルだ。「House of Brands」は、複数のブランドを所有し、ブランドごとに独自の商品やサービスを展開するもの。「Branded House」は、全ての商品・サービスを一つのブランド名の下に束ねるもので、ブランド名と企業名は同じであることが多い。それぞれ具体的な企業名で例を挙げられるかな?
Teacher: There are two basic 【 1.戦略 】 which companies use regarding their brands’ operation and control. One is known as the “House of Brands” and the other is known as the “Branded House” model. The “House of Brands” model is one in which a company owns a number of brands, each of which has its own independent products and services.
The “Branded House” model is one in which all products and services are bundled under one name. In many such cases the brand name and the company name are the same. Can you give some specific examples of companies operating each of the models?
A:「House of Brands」は、LVMH Groupが好例ではないでしょうか。Louis Vuitton、Fendi、Krug、Guerlainなど、幅広い業種の高級ブランドを所有しており、各ブランドはいずれも独立的に【2運営】とマーケティングを任されています。一方、「Branded House」は、Virgin Groupが【3典型的】でしょう。航空会社もCDショップも映画館も、全てがVirginブランドの下に展開されています。
A: Wouldn’t LVMH Group be a good example of a company operating the “House of Brands” strategy? It owns many luxury brands, such as Louis Vuitton, Fendi, Krug, Guerlain, covering a wide range of industries. The 【 2運営 】 and the marketing of each brand is left to the brand itself to independently conduct. As to companies implementing the “Branded House” model, I think Virgin Group is 【 3典型的 】. From the airline company, to the music stores, to the cinema chain, all are offered under the “Virgin” brand name.
Teacher: I see. And what are the models’ 【 4各々の 】 strong points and weak points?
B:「House of Brands」の長所は、ほとんどの消費者が、その会社の商品を買う際に、同じ会社の商品を買っているとは意識していないことでしょう。たとえ一つのブランドにトラブルが発生した場合でも、他のブランドに悪影響を与えずに済みます。一方、明らかな短所は、ブランド投資が分散し、規模の経済が働きにくいことでしょう。一つひとつのブランドを成長させるためのマーケティングコストが高くつきます。
B: A merit of the “House of Brands” model is that the majority of consumers, when buying the company’s products, are not aware that they are buying them from the same company. If, for example, a company has trouble with one of its brands, then it can contain the problem without other brands in the portfolio being adversely affected. On the other hand, a clear demerit of the strategy is that investment in the brands is dispersed and it is difficult to achieve economies of scale. As a result, the marketing costs necessary to grow each brand rise.
講師:そうだね。「Branded House」はどうだろう?
Teacher: Right. And how about the “Branded House” model?
C: One merit is the reduction in marketing costs. It becomes easier to launch new products on the back of the company’s name recognition. Furthermore, as a result of the spending on one product, the company’s profile as a whole rises and serves to 【 5販売促進 】 other of the company’s products as well. On the downside, one disadvantage is that in the event of trouble with one product the company’s image as a whole is stained. This can result in sometimes huge losses which can threaten the very existence of the company.
講師:「House of Brands」と「Branded House」の長所・短所は裏表の関係ということだね。では、それぞれ、どのようにすれば短所を引き出すリスクが低減できるか、議論してみようか・・・
Teacher: So the relative merits and demerits of the two models, “House of Brands” and “Branded House”, are two sides of the same coin, aren’t they. Moving on,let’s discuss how we can minimize the risks which arise from the two models respective disadvantages・・・

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