Dear everyone – updated thought on covit-19 and your opinion on a possible closure for a week or two

Dear everyone

Hopefully this message finds you all well.
Again, I would like to reiterate my gratitude for all of you to cooperate and help each other at this fluctuating time.

As things are changing so rapidly day by day recently, I would like to share my thoughts again with you all, and also would like your opinion for a possible closure for a week or two. Please take a look at the message below and answer the questions.

Form to answer to the questions

1: Current Situation in Japan
Both Japanese and Tokyo governments so far just requested “voluntary” and “self-imposed” restrained activities to all people and businesses. As you may imagine, the purpose for this is for them not to take care of compensation likewise in some other countries. (they announced on Wednesday that they will send two masks to all households in Japan, again not a joke)

I’ve seen many businesses have lost 80-100% sales due to the past several requests, business owners considering suiside or just giving everything up. Honestly, I’ve already heard two suiside cases through my friendship, trying to borrow money (but takes 3 months or simply rejected), and are in despair. The nightmare started totally out of blue to those people whose businesses were relatively well before this outbreak and haven’t expected this outbreak to become so serious.

2: What I am considering
With this situation, we unfortunately cannot count on both central and local governments unless the worsened situation forces them to change, and makes our own decisions without their directions. ( they may even not announce “lockdown” or “state of emergency”, but just routine sudden press conferences to indirectly ask all of us to stay home)

We just in time introduced an online virtual booth so LPs will be able to add some lessons despite this situation. I’ve spoken with many schools which don’t have online stuff yet, and they are even in a more difficult situation.

In the past 3 days, 24 members and 11 LPs tested or will test VB at home.
If you haven’t booked the test yet, we highly recommend that you request for the test through the form below.

Talking about the current spread in Japan, as many observe, is in a quite difficult situation. Specialists and people in NY say that Japan is “two weeks lagged” behind the city. Of course, as I mentioned before in my message, until the last week, continuing current in-school operation and keeping a place of work despite the situation was important, but I, as a single person, am worrying about everyone, members, and no doubt doctors and nurses who face this outbreak on the front without the government direction.

So it’s a difficult situation, but if many (maybe not everyone but majority) agree,
it’s worth considering closing all schools for a week or two at least.

This may force us to lose another 10 to 15 million, which is our 3 past years of accumulated efforts, but now life comes first.

With this closure, some members (with lack of computer skills) may cancel some lessons, but if we all agree to close, we consider this will be regarded as “compulsory closure”, keeping the current shift without closing so you can ensure a minimum income (and online lessons add some). Also closure forces members to try a virtual booth anyways, so they get used to the function more quickly and will be beneficial to all of us.

Of course, I will personally ask members with my message and voice to book as many online lessons as possible to help all of us, and also working with other companies, economists, and member of parliaments (who seem not stupid) to ask the government to take action.

3: Questions
We’ve developed a Google form to hear your thoughts, honestly, as an individual.

There is a high possibility that both Japanese and Tokyo governments are unable to announce a “compulsory” lockdown, and instead let everyone choose as we all were forced to interpret it. As of now, doctors, nurses, and people who have worked so hard to fight against this covit-19, reiterated and asked the government that “state of emergency” is very necessary immediately, but their efforts were in vain so far and instead we will get two masks. Assuming this, it is high time that we need to make our own decision.

Form to answer to the questions

Please take your time to quickly answer the questions.
I would like to gather as many answers as possible, so it will help us make a right, consensus option for the sake of everyone.

Again, I really feel thank you for all and grateful to work together.
We all survive this crazy period, and we eventually flourish.






