How are you enjoying the rainy season??
I know rainy seasons limit your activities, but I also see it is an opportunity to stay indoors and watch some great movies! 😉
So the great movie that I just watched recently was called “The Grand Budapest Hotel”.
It was so lovely! The movie plot itself revolves around a mystery murder involving the staff of the hotel.
The whole plot was light and comedic, but the setting of the movie was in Europe during wartime.
So the movie shows a very contrasting ambiance throughout.
What I love the most about the movie was its beautiful cinematic backdrop of the hotel and the color combination of the settings and the characters’ clothes. I feel that every single shot of the movie is like a painting in itself. Every scene looks like you are inside a beautiful, vintage candy store.
All in all, it was such a dramatic movie, told in a very light tone. I just love how this feeling of contrast is carried out throughout the movie. The movie also seems light and entertaining, but it also has a deep message about human interaction, deception and the unexpected twists in life.
So I recommend this movie to anyone who loves an artistic, energetic movie that is light, but at the same time offers a creative insight on human nature and the relationships.
So please let me know if you have if any good movie recommendations. I am looking forward to hearing it in class as I loveeee watching movies.. especially on rainy days. 😉
皆さんおすすめの良い映画があったらぜひ教えてください。私は映画を見ることが大好きなので…特に雨の日に;) レッスンで聞けることを楽しみにしています。
Have a lovely day,