A movie I would like to see is called Beyond the Black Rainbow (2010).
It is a rare independent movie and the director has not made many movies
but the trailer is very stunning.
今回、僕が紹介したい映画は「Beyond the Black Rainbow」(2010)です。
It is a sci-fi thriller so I do not think it is a scary movie but it does look like it has a “dark feel” maybe.
However, the idea of doing an older movie today expresses irony, which is a trend in fashion and music these days.
Therefore, Beyond the Black Rainbow feels cool or even funny for many audiences.
でも、今の時代にあえて古く作ることはファッションや音楽ではトレンドかもしれないけど、それを映画をやってしまうと皮肉さがあります。そのため「Beyond the Black Rainbow」は観衆に格好いいと思させる一方、滑稽だと感じさせることもあります。
Personally, I like old movies with interesting color, movie sets, and quality acting.
Beyond the Black Rainbow appeals to me because it looks retro and has similarities with the movie 2001 by Stanley Kubrick.
「Beyond the Black Rainbow」はレトロさがあり、スタンリー・キューブリックによる映画「2001」に似ているので僕のお気に入りです。
I think these kinds of movies are nice because they do not rely on just on a high budget or special computer effects.
Unfortunately, sometimes these movies take time to come to Japan.
I know the independent film, Drive (2011) starring Ryan Gosling took a long time to come to Japan and my friends had to watch it without subtitles at first.
Drive was not a sci-fi movie but shares a similar retro approach with Beyond the Black Rainbow.
「Drive」はSF映画ではないけれど、「Beyond the Black Rainbow」と同様にレトロな魅力があります。
Lately I feel I must watch these movies but I still prefer to explore older classics and cult films.