
b わたしの英会話で働くレッスン・パートナーコンシェルジュの日々をつづったブログです。



My name is Jaime and I come from beautiful, sunny Southern California!

My name is Jaime and I come from beautiful, sunny Southern California! I grew up in a city not far from Los Angeles, The OC, Disneyland and Huntington Beach-one of the most famous beaches in the world. Being so close to the Mexico border a lot of things in SoCal are influenced by Mexican culture. There are a lot of great Mexican restaurants and latin dance clubs, which is why spicy food is my favorite!

私の名前はJaime、とっても奇麗な日差しが降り注ぐ南カリフォルニア出身です!私はやLos AngelesやThe OC、ディズニーランド、Huntington Beach(世界でも有名なビーチの一つ)からそんなに離れていない街で育ったの。メキシコとの国境にもとても近くて、So Cal(私の生まれ育った街)はメキシコの文化の影響をとても受けているの。素敵なメキシコ料理のレストランやラテンダンスクラブがたくさんあって、私はスパイシーフードがとっても大好きなの!


On the weekends my friends and I would wake up early drive to the beach with our surf boards and surf till we got tired.Then in the afternoon we would walk to Fred`s Cantina where we would sit on the balcony and watch the waves on the beach while eating amazing nachos and burritos. SoCal is a really beautiful and amazing place!

週末には友達と早起きをしてサーフボードを持ってビーチ行き、疲れるまでサーフィンを楽しんで、午後はFred`s Cantina (有名なカフェ)のバルコニーに座ったり、ビーチに座ってナチョスやブリトーを食べながら波をみていたり。。。So Calは本当に美しくて素敵な場所なの!


So why did I leave it to come to Japan? Well I have lived in SoCal for 27 years and as great as it is I wanted to experience something new. I have had an interest in Japan for 6 years now, it all started when a friend showed me an Anime that took place in modern Japan. I thought it was amazing-all of it! The lifestyle, the culture, the city and country, it was so different from anything I knew and I wanted to know more. I started listening to Japanese music and watching videos about Japan. I wanted to see the real Japan, not just what was shown in Anime. Then last August I decided the best way to see Japan was to move there! So I decided to move to Tokyo. I applied to attend Temple University Japan and was accepted in September of 2009.

なぜ私がそこを離れて日本に来たかというと?私は27年間So Calに住んでいて、それと同じくらい素敵な新しい体験をしたいと思ったからなの。私は日本に興味を持って6年目になるんだけど、すべての始まりは私の友達が現代の日本のアニメを見せてくれたことから。私はすべてが素晴らしいと思ったわ!生活習慣も文化もその町や国までも。それは私が知っているものとは何もかもが違っていてもっと知りたいと思ったの。私は日本の音楽を聴いたり、日本についてのビデオを見始めたわ。そして本当の日本を見たくなったの、アニメが見せているだけの日本ではなくてね。そこで日本を見るのに一番いい方法は日本に住むことじゃないかな?と思い去年の8月に東京に住もう!と決めたの。私は日本のテンプル大学に申込をして2009年の9月に受け入れてもらえたの!


I announced at work that in January I would be moving to Tokyo, everyone thought I was crazy! None of my coworkers knew I was even thinking about moving to Japan. But thats just the kind of person I am, when I make up my mind to do something or that I want something I stop at nothing to make it happen! I am willing to work hard and do whatever it takes to accomplish my goal. I have been studying Japanese for almost a year now, I can speak some basic Japanese. My goal is to become a native speaker of Japanese so I am currently studying it at the University. As someone learning a new language I know how fun, exciting and challenging it can be.



I`ve also learned so much about Japanese culture since moving here and I learn something new every day! When I first arrived to Tokyo I did not know it was rude to eat while walking down the street and started eating while walking to school one day when a classmate stopped me, I was so embarrassed! Since then I`ve learned so many fun little things that are different, did you know that in America when people use the escalator they take up the whole step so you can`t walk up the stairs past them? You have to wait on your step until you get to the top. We don`t have as many trains in America, and they all have chairs and you have to sit while on the train, no standing, but they have toilets on them so you can get up and use the restroom if you need to. Getting on a packed train in Tokyo was so different from California, my first train ride was so scary and exciting!



I have a close relationship with my mother who I talk to almost every day over the internet using a program called Skype. I enjoy teaching her new words in Japanese and telling her about my adventures in Tokyo. When I told her that the word for Mom in Japanese is 母 she laughed for a long time, she thought it sounded so cute! So now when I talk to her I call her 母. In english the word "haha" is used to describe the sound people make when they laugh, you may see it used in American comic books.



I love living in Tokyo! I just joined the team at B and have loved my first week here! Everyone is so nice and teaching english is fun! I have met so many great people, I love teaching and learning with them! I hope to meet you soon and help you practice your english while having fun!





当ブログは「b わたしの英会話」が運営しています。

「b わたしの英会話」では、まずは独学をキッカケにスタートしてその後、しっかりと学びたい!ということで、通いはじめるお客様は多くいらっしゃいます。






私たち、b わたしの英会話では一緒に働くコンシェルジュ職(カウンセラー)ポジションの募集をしています。英語を使った仕事を通じて、自分のスキルを高めてみたい方、接客の好きな方にピッタリのポジションです。応募されたい方は、こちらのリンクをご参照ください。






