Hey everybody!
My name is Ryan! I'm originally from one of the most beautiful places inAmerica- Colorado!
If you don't know much about Colorado, I will give you a quick list of great things about it:
Amazing mountains and nature, beautiful weather, about 300 days of sunshine per year, lots of skiing and snowboarding, dry summers, friendly people, great food- especially my favorite, steak!
Also, we have lots of good shopping, casinos, professional sports teams and their nice stadiums, a fun downtown, and much more! It was a great place to grow up, and I highly recommend visiting there if you can!
美しい山々と自然があり、過ごしやすい気候で一年のうち300日は晴れていて、スキーやスノーボードも楽しめるし、カラッとした夏があ り、親しみやすい人々、そして美味しい食べ物、特にステーキは美味しいよ!
Currently however, I am living in Tokyo. I have been in Japan for about six years, and originally came because I wanted to do something new and exciting, and also wanted to see the world.
I love going to new places, and have had many fun (and not so fun) experiences in many countries. Some of my best memories were going to the top of the Burj Dubai Tower, eating amazing curry in India, seeing Angkor Wat and shooting an AK-47 in Cambodia, going to a crocodile farm in Vietnam, visiting the Chocolate Hills in The Philippines, New Year's festival in Thailand, and much, much more!
I love sharing stories about different countries, cultures, and experiences! I want to hear about yours, too!
とても良かった中のいくつかを紹介すると、バージドバイタワー(現在:バージハリファ)に行ったこと、インドで美味しいカレーを食べたこと、カンボジアでアンコールワットに行ったことやAK-47自動小銃を打ったこと、ベトナムでワニの飼育所に行ったこと、フィリピンで チョコレートヒルズを訪れたこと、タイでニューイヤーのお祭りに参加したことなどまだまだたくさんあるよ!
色々な国の文化やその国での経 験についてみんなと話したりすることが好きなんだ!みんなの異国での経験の話も聞きたいな!
When I'm not traveling, I enjoy doing your typical American guy things.
Fitness is important to me, and I love going to the gym and staying healthy.
You have to look good for the beach, right?
I also love fast cars, racing, and tuning. I enjoy playing almost any type of sport, and have recently been playing golf a lot more. It is soooo expensive to play in Japan, though!
And other interests are reading, music/movies/American television shows, trying new foods and restaurants, and going to a fun bar, club, or special event with my good friends.
他の趣味は読書、音楽、映画、ア メリカのTVを見ること、レストランに行くこと、新しい食べ物に挑戦すること、楽しいバー、クラブに行くこと、仲の良い友達と特別なイベ ントをすることかな。
Enough about me!
I want to know more about you!
I have really enjoyed meeting all the members here so far, and look forward to meeting more of you! We have lots to talk about and fun experiences to share with each other!
See you soon!
みんなのことも知りたいな!今のところ出会ったメンバーとのレッスンも楽しかったし、これからもっとたくさんの メンバーに会う事を楽しみにしているよ!