★Julia.S★ ★Becky★ ★Sabrina.W★ ★Peter★によく使っているSNSやおすすめアプリ、ついつい開いてしまうSNSなどを聞いてみました☆彡
日本ではSNS(Social Networking Service)と言われるのが一般的ですが英語は“Social Media ”と呼びます。英語でSNSについて話すときは注意したいですね★
- 1 What social media platform do you use the most?(一番使うSNSは?)
- 2 Do you have any social media platforms that you’re *into right now?(最近はまっているSNSは?)
- 3 When you watch movies at home, what kind of apps or website do you usually use?(家で映画をみるときはどのアプリやサイトを使いますか?)
- 4 Do you recommend any social media platforms?(おすすめのSNSはある?)
- 5 When you contact people in your country, which apps(Applications) do you use?(自分の国の方と連絡をとるときに使うアプリは?)
- 6 Are there any social media platforms that you find yourself checking without thinking about it *consciously?(ついついいつもチェックしてしまうSNSはある?)
- 7 英語を話せるようになりたい方へ
I use Twitter the most.
I think I mostly use Twitter and Instagram,
I use Facebook and Instagram. I love YouTube the most!
Twitter is the only social media platform I use at the moment.
*Into = ~に夢中
I am into Twitter.
I’m into watching videos on YouTube but I don’t use it for messaging or commenting,
I’m not really into posting on social media.
I want to use Tik Tok but I’m too shy!
No, I use only Twitter.
When you watch movies at home, what kind of apps or website do you usually use?(家で映画をみるときはどのアプリやサイトを使いますか?)
I use Netflix
I usually use Netflix to watch movies and TV shows but I’d like to get a Disney+ account in the future.
I watch movies on Netflix. I have used Amazon Prime, Disney+ and U-NEXT before but don’t use it unless I want a certain movie or TV series not on Netflix.
I sometimes watch movies and TV series on Netflix at home.
I recommend Twitter.
I recently joined a new app called “Artfol” which is a new all for artist and illustrations. It seems good so far!
If you have a question about a problem, a good place to find solutions or advice is “Reddit.” I use it for gardening questions but also for cooking, home repairs, travel etc.
Not really actually, I recommend using social media less! Many people say that using social media too much is very stressful.
When you contact people in your country, which apps(Applications) do you use?(自分の国の方と連絡をとるときに使うアプリは?)
I use LINE.
I use “Facebook messenger” to message my family. But I use “Discord” or “Skype” for Video and Voice calls.
I use “WhatsApp” and Facebook messenger.
I mostly use Zoom and sometimes LINE when I’m messaging my Japanese friends (or other friends who know about Japanese culture.)
I check Instagram without thinking about it.
I check Facebook, Instagram and Twitter every day when I wake up and before I go to sleep but I post very rarely! I like to check my friends’ posts and check for news updates,
Surfing on YouTube had become my daily routine.
Also, the newsfeed of my Facebook has endless content I end up scrolling forever!
No, I don’t use them everyday. I only check them occasionally.
I only check Twitter occasionally at home and make sure not to do it without thinking about it. Some researchers, like Amber Case, think that humans have already become cyborg-like creatures who are addicted and dependent upon smart-phones and computers.
PeterがTed Talkから教えてくれました★良かったら見てみてくださいね★