Hello everyone! I’m Yvette, but you can call me Vee, and I am a new lesson partner.
I come from Cebu, the “Queen City of the South” and the oldest city in the Philippines.
『Queen City of the South(南部の女王都市)』の異名を持つフィリピン最古の街、セブの出身です。
Cebu has a rich history, a vibrant culture, scrumptious food, and fun-loving people.
It’s home to beautiful beaches and houses one of Asia’s biggest festivals, the Sinulog Festival, held every third week of January.
It is celebrated over a span of nine days and attracts millions of tourists each year from all over the world!
美しいビーチがあって、毎年1月の第3週にはアジア最大級のお祭り『the Sinulog Festival(シヌログ・フェスティバル)』が開催されます。
I’m a teacher by profession and started teaching in 2016 after graduating.
I started living in Japan in March of 2019 as an English language teacher for the Japanese public school system.
I stayed in Chiba for a year and then moved to Kanagawa.
I now work as a primary school homeroom teacher for an international school in the Omotesando area.
I love to travel and take photos; however, due to the pandemic, I wasn’t able to travel overseas for quite a while,
but on the bright side, it allowed me to explore more of Japan.
Some places I visited outside of Kanto are Okinawa, Hokkaido, Osaka, Kyoto, and Nara, and I look forward to visiting more prefectures and countries in the near future.
I love a good challenge, and I am always eager to try new things, which has helped me grow into a better person every day.
This has afforded me valuable life lessons and experiences, and I am learning more and more about myself.
I am so excited to see what lies ahead, and I hope you are too!
Thank you for reading; see you soon in class!