Halloween has been my favorite holiday since I was a child.
Everything about it is great: dressing up in costumes, carving jack-o-lanterns, trick or treating, and of course, making and enjoying Halloween-themed desserts (not just Halloween candy).
This year、 I think I’ll try making my classic chocolate chip cookies with a Halloween twist.
How to Make Chocolate Chip Cookies (Halloween Version)
1/3 cup of cooked pumpkin (溶けているほど煮たカボチャ)= 71 grams
1/3 cup butter or margarine (バターまたはマーガリン:3分の1カップ)= 71 grams
1 pinch of salt (塩:ひとつまみ)= 0.5 -1.0 gram
1/3 cup light brown sugar (三温糖:3分の1カップ)= 56 grams
1/3 cup white sugar (白砂糖:3分の1カップ)= 56 grams
1 teaspoon vanilla extract (バニラエキス:小さじ1) = 5 grams
3/4 cooked flour (小麦粉:4分の3カップ)= 94 grams
1/3 cup chocolate chips (チョコチップ:3分の1カップ) = 48 grams
1.First, melt the butter (or margarine) and let it cool until room temperature.
2.Then, mix the two kinds of sugar, salt, pumpkin, and vanilla extract in a bowl.
3.After that, add and mix the flour, followed finally by the chocolate chips.
4. Bake for 10 to 12 minutes in an oven at a temperature of 180 degrees Celicius.
5. Let them cool for 5 to 10 minutes and then enjoy!
オーブンから出して, 5分から10分ぐらい置いてから召し上がって下さい!
Please let me know if you try out this recipe! Have a very Happy Halloween!
I wrote a blog with some background history about Halloween a long time ago, so if you’re interested, please check that out as well!
Halloween and the Day of the Dead