Ireland is a country rich in traditions and heritage, and wherever we go, we love to share our culture with others. Across the world, you can find Irish music, festivals, and sports that welcome people of all backgrounds to take part.
Irish Music:アイリッシュ・ミュージック
Recently, I discovered a Japanese band called Pinch of Snuff, who became a viral sensation in Ireland for their lively performances of traditional Irish music.
最近、日本のバンド「Pinch of Snuff」を知ったの。彼らはアイルランドの伝統音楽を情熱的に演奏し、その活気あふれるパフォーマンスがアイルランドで大きな話題になったのよ。
They play on the streets, in music venues, and even in izakayas, much like Irish musicians back home.
This week, they are touring Ireland, with all their shows selling out in record time!
Many people were amazed by their passion and talent for Irish music.
If you ever have the chance, I highly recommend seeing them live when they return to Japan.
Irish Festivals:アイリッシュ・フェスティバル
Ireland is home to many festivals that celebrate our history and traditions. The most famous of these is St. Patrick’s Day, held annually on March 17th. On this day, people across Ireland wear green, enjoy parades, and raise a pint of Guinness in celebration.
But the festivities aren’t just limited to Ireland—St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated worldwide! Cities like New York, Chicago, and Tokyo host parades, and famous landmarks in the UK, the US, China, Dubai, Italy, France, and Japan light up in green to mark the occasion.
アイルランドには、私たちの歴史や伝統を祝うたくさんのフェスティバルがあるの。その中でも最も有名なのが、毎年3月17日に開催される セント・パトリックス・デー!この日、アイルランド中の人々が緑色の服を着てパレードを楽しみ、ギネスビールを片手にお祝いするのよ。
In Japan, you can join the celebrations by visiting the St. Patrick’s Day parades in Tokyo or Motomachi, where even the Ferris wheel lights up in the colors of the Irish flag!
Irish Sports:アイリッシュ・スポーツ
While many people know Ireland for its strong rugby team, did you know we also have our own unique sports?
Gaelic football, often called GAA, is a fast-paced game that combines elements of soccer, rugby, and basketball.
In Japan, there are GAA clubs where anyone can join.
Another exciting Irish sport is hurling, which is similar to hockey but with a mix of rugby’s physicality.
For women, the equivalent sport is called camogie.
While it can be difficult to find equipment for these sports in Japan, GAA clubs provide a welcoming community where newcomers can learn and play. Why not give it a try?
Keeping Traditions Alive:伝統を受け継ぐこと
In many ways, Irish and Japanese cultures share a deep appreciation for tradition and the importance of passing it on to future generations.
By celebrating and participating in cultural traditions, we help build strong communities and keep our heritage alive.
If you’d like to learn more about Irish culture, feel free to come and chat with me!