As a foreigner living in Japan, I am always interested in learning about Japanese culture and traditions.
That being said, I also find joy in sharing my own culture in return!
One such tradition has recently come around: Groundhog Day!
そんな中、アメリカの伝統行事 「Groundhog Day(グラウンドホッグ・デー)」 の季節がやってきました!
In North America, we have a very unique holiday, where people all over the country gather around (or watch live on television), for a small rodent to appear from his dwelling.
Groundhogs, or woodchucks, are a type of rodent native to North America.
They live in burrows in the ground, and play an important role in maintaining healthy soil for the natural environment.
More than that, every year in February, Americans will use them to predict whether or not winter will end soon!
Every year, people gather around to watch the specially chosen groundhog appear from his hole.
The saying is, that if the groundhog appears and sees his own shadow, he will retreat back into his hole, and we are to expect 6 more weeks of winter!
And if the groundhog does not see his shadow and comes out of his hole, the prediction is that winter will end early this year!
At the moment, the currently chosen groundhog is Punxsutawney ‘Phil’, named after his hometown in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania.
This year, Phil saw his own shadow, predicting 6 extra weeks of winter. Too bad!
現在は、出身地であるペンシルベニア州パンクサトーニーにちなんで、「Punxsutawney ‘Phil’(パンクサトーニー・フィル)」 と名付けられたグラウンドホッグが選ばれています。
Even though winter can be gloomy and cold, Americans still believe that it is important to find joy in our everyday lives, despite the conditions.
Yes, the holiday is admittedly quite silly, and it’s unlikely that a rodent could actually predict the weather- but so what?
Every February, we still gather together and wait with baited breath for the groundhog to appear from his hole, and give us hope for a warmer tomorrow.
そして、「春はもうすぐ!」 という希望を抱くのです。
As I continue to live in Japan, I look forward to learning more about Japan’s unique traditions too!